It's still quiet until he speaks again,

"Speaking of underage...why the fuck are you pregnant?"

My chest heaves when he paces over to me. Anxiety overtakes me when I feel Jake move in front of me.

"We can talk-"

Rich grabs his collar so suddenly that I have to blink a few times to confirm what I'm seeing. With one quick movement, he punches him in his gut.

My hands cover my mouth in shock when Jake topples over in an agonizing amount of pain.

"I'm... not... talking... to!" For every word he says, there is a bone shattering kick to go along with it.

I'm off the bed and heading  towards the door at a high velocity. If I can try to get help then maybe we won't be taken away again. My hand reaches for the knob but instead of grasping the knob, my palms hit the floor. 

I scream and thrash, only to have my mouth concealed by his rough hand. No, no, no. Please no. My eyes water when I'm placed on my back and greeted by his sharp, sepia eyes. The way they capture my soul, the way they make me forget every previous thought imaginable is something that will forever astonish  me. 

Lifting me up, I latch onto his hands. The same hands that are wrapped around my neck in a vice grip.

As we walk toward the hospital bed, I'm able to see an unconsious Jake. His entire mouth is filled with blood while his body is crumpled like paper. Is he still breathing? Please be okay.

"Pregnant...this is un-fucking-believable." I squirm when he snakes one hand under my hospital gown. His nails dig into my tummy, making an invincible scream penetrate my quaking lips.

"Scream one more time and I'll snap your neck." He threatens plainly. His forearm is around my neck, squeezing to the point of suffocation.

I whimper when he presses into my trachea, forcing me to cough and wheeze.

With malicious eyes filled with monstrous intent he then says,

"Now, here's what's going to happen. One: you will abort it, two: I'll make you abort it, Three: if you don't choose an option I'll choose for you."

His voice is ominous. His stare is even more unfavorable. The way the air from his nostrils kisses my neck makes me cringe.

"What will it be, Livie?" He spins me to face him, daring me to answer.

I can't kill my baby. I can't murder another human being. This is cruel, unfair, illogical even. I don't understand his reasoning for this.

"Why do you want me to kill...him or her?"  I swallow the lump in my throbbing throat. There is surely a bruise there.

"I already told you I want you, not a kid!" He shakes my shoulders so hard that I end up losing my balance. It's more of a shove, forcing my body to fall backward.

The cool tile floor feels amazing against my clammy skin, and for a moment I picture myself falling into a refreshing pool. Swimming freely without limits.

Coughing loudly, I clutch my stomach in a reflexive way. I wasn't prepared for the powerful blow that I feel now.

It's like someone just grabbed the inside of my stomach and twisted it around. I groan and cough loudly when I feel a second kick.

"What's going on in here?" I hear the voice of an angel speak.

Looking up with weary eyes, I confirm my hopes when I see the doctor running over to me. I've never been so happy to see a doctor in my life.

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