Part- 1

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Hello everyone!

Hope u r not confused... If any doubts, u can ask me.

Raksh is with lakshya and laksh with ragini...

Here u go...Enjoy!


Scene opens in the Maheshwari companies board meeting...

Everyone will be waiting for the maheshwaris...

Dp comes along with his brother, sons and grand sons...

Everyone sits down.

Dp looks at empty seat of lakshya and nods his head in disbelief...

"good morning ladies and gentlemen...

Thanks for coming on short notice...

The intention of this meeting is to appoint the deputy MD...Who is next to my position..."

Everyone becomes happy hearing that as they need someone to take care of the office in DP's (MD) absence.

And the maheshwari sons and grandsons were curious to know whom dp will select...

"so, I like to announce the deputy MD of maheshwari companies is none other than my grandson RAKSH maheshwari ... "

Everyone looks at that shocked, confused and what not!

Maheshwaris except sanskar fist their hand and boils in anger...

"Mr. Dp...arjun is the eldest grandson... Y don't u

Dp interferes "The post will be given on their ability and not on their age...

In fact , raksh is just 2 yrs younger to him...

Next year, my Raksh turns 22,if I am satisfied with his work... I ll appoint him as the MD itself... "

This comes as a shock to adarsh and Nikil...

But sanskar smiles as it is the right decision...

"Mr. Maheshwari! We request u to reconsider ur decision...

He is lakshya's son... The father itself is a careless man...he is not interested in business at all...half of the time, he is out of station...

Then what can we expect from his son... "

"Mr. Chaturvedi! Mind ur tongue... U have no right to point his character...

Lakshya had not come out of his pain... He has a personal issue...

And u all don't worry about raksh... U will definitely like him... He is like his mother... Intelligent, calm ,
Composed , friendly... "

He looks out of the window and smiles...

"OK Mr. Maheshwari... We agree with U...

But where is he? Doesnt he know that there is a meeting... "

"u wanna see him...?
Then look outside gentlemen... "

He points through the window...

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