Chapter 26. First Night in LA

Start from the beginning

“What?” said Niall “It’s not that unbelievable is it, I could date Zayn!”

I chuckled “I didn’t think you were his type”

Harry laughed “Aren’t you with Liam?”

Niall looked confused “This has gotten way out of hand”

“I agree” I sighed, sitting down at the dinner table with Harry next to me, Niall across from me “Let’s have some normal dinner conversation”

“Agreed” they laughed

Harry left after all the pizza was gone. I was washing up the plates and ups slowly when Niall pulled them out of my hands and picked me up again, wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck so I was facing him.

“What are you doing?” I laughed “You’ve been doing it since you got home”

“There was a report on Sugerscape today, we were reading up about the VMA’s and it came up, what you said to the media when you got here this afternoon” he whispered, sitting down on the lounge so I was now straddling him.

“Oh” I replied

“Yeah” he replied “There was a video too, from one of the cameras, you look so…” he paused “Danielle and Eleanor pulled you away but I could see the way they had their arms around you, you weren’t happy where you?”

“No, not really, she pulled me out of the line to get that interview, I showed him my wrist, the red mark slowly fading from the skin “It hurt too”

Niall took my wrist carefully and kissed it gently “I’m so sorry baby”

“It’s okay, I would have been fine with answering the questions, she just didn’t stop talking and she brought up Pat and Draco and you and talking about it all together is just hard”

“You shouldn’t have to talk about it at all”

I kissed Niall gently “its okay, really, you weren’t here, it’s not a problem”

“You’re coming with me to rehearsals tomorrow, I’m not leaving you alone with those reporters tracking your every move, if you’re with me I know there tracking me, not you”

I laughed “If it puts your mind at ease then okay” I smiled and got up off his lap “I’m going to go brush my teeth”

Niall nodded and sat back, watching me walk away.

Niall’s POV

“I’m going to go brush my teeth” said Riley, hair hanging over her shoulder tamely, brushing just past her ribs, her slim figure evident in her white singlet and her knee length track pants riding up slightly. I nodded and watched her walk toward the bathroom.

I dropped my head back as she closed the door behind her. I felt so bad, I should have been here when they arrived, she kept saying it was okay but she was breaking right before my eyes, I couldn’t just sit here and watch her completely break down. Dinner was so normal, the way she moved and spoke was so normal and calm, she wasn’t even thinking about what had happened.

I pulled out my phone and sent out a Tweet, which I probably shouldn’t have done in my angry state but I did anyway.

Dear Reporter who pulled my girlfriend up today,
Thanks for making her feel uncomfortable, bringing up her Son, his deceased father, our relationship – which is perfectly fine btw – and causing her emotional and physical pain.
From Niall Horan, the guy with the girlfriend who has a red, sore wrist because of your brutality.

I left my phone on the table and walked over to the bathroom, opening the door and looking down at Riley as she held her long blonde hair behind her neck and spat out water mixed with frothy toothpaste from her pink lips.

“Hey” she said drying her mouth with a pristine, white hotel towel “What’s up?”

I grabbed the towel and put it on the bench, backing her up against it and kissing her hard on the mouth. I wanted Riley to know how much I cared about her, how much I loved her and how much I wanted to be with her, how much I wanted her.

“Niall” she gasped as I pulled away and kissed down her cheek, jaw and neck “What are you doing?”

“Kissing the girl I love” I replied, kissing her lips again and looking down at her “Is that okay with you?”

Riley blinked, then reached up on her toes and kissed me back with the same amount of force. I grabbed her hips and pulled her up on the counter, continuing to kiss her. Her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and opened her mouth to my kisses.

I pulled back, catching my breath and grinned at her “Want to go to bed?”

Her eyes widened “Um… Do you have something?”

I laughed and opened the drawer next to her leg. I pulled out to box and waved it in front of her face “I swear I didn’t plan this, I stole them from Liam to piss him off”

She laughed, eyes lighting up and smile widening “Well then” she took the box from my hands and jumped down off the counter, backing out of the room slowly, waving a small foil packet at me with evil eyes “If they were going to be used anyway”

“They were” I smiled, leaning on the doorway as she stood a few inches away from me “They definantly were”

“We better not let them go to waste” she smiled, continuing to back away, “How many do you need, 1? 2?”

“Just take the box” I grinned, following her slowly as she continued to move away from me “You never know”

She nodded thoughtfully, studying the box, eyes widening as she read the labels “Are you sure there not to big?”

I laughed “Nope, nothing to worry about there”

“Very sure of ourselves aren’t we”


She grinned “Well, if you’re sure… You’ll have to catch me first.” Riley took off running down the hall to the master bedroom and I laughed and ran after her, tackling her into the mattress and kissing her hard as she dropped the box onto the bed and wound her hands in my hair.

Liam wasn’t too pleased when he found his box the next morning. 

Hope you all understand the bit at the end, if you don't.... I'm not telling you, not ruining your innocence! 

Comment Questions:

1) Is it weird that I made the box Liam's or funny?

2) What do you think of the reporter?

3) What do you think of Niall's Tweet?

4) Did you like the girl's being so sisterly toward Riley when she was upset?

5) Do you think it's about time Riley & Niall 'went to bed' or do you think it's too soon? Are you worried??

THANKS FOR READING! Also I got interviewed by the lovely @xx1Dsgirlxx so go check that out on her account! xxxxx

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