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Good morning to everyone, this morning the topic is coffee.

I'm a Big fan of coffee from regular to flavored if it's coffee I will try it.

Never has there been anything so wonderful as coffee.

Well, ok except for maybe chocolate but that already has its own page. 🙂

Back to coffee,  I drink it throughout my day and especially when I write.

Can you guess what's sitting beside me on my nightstand right now?

Yep, coffee.

Today's coffee is hazelnut, flavored with hazelnut creamer of course. Sooo good!

Ok it's your turn now,  so get out those coffee cups,  pour yourself one have a few sips for me and get those coffee comments started.

If its about coffee I'm ready to read it.

I'm really excited about this one so come on,  calling all coffee lovers take a coffee break and share with me.

If your not a fan that's great too then please tell me about your favorite drink maybe it's tea or wine, or maybe its good old fashioned milk?

Whatever it is please let me know I'd be delighted to read your comments/ messages about it.

Ok guys that's all I've got for now.

I'm going to go finish my coffee. Until next time remember,

Keep being awesome 😎☕☕☕☕

Calling All Readers Participation Needed Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora