"Shh shh,just relax.You will get through this,"She says to me as I continue to cry into her shoulders uncontrollably all snot and tears.

Finally after crying for an hour I begin to calm down. "You okay Hun?"Aunt Megan asks me as I curl up beside her.She rubs my back in soothing rubbing motions.

"I miss my parents so much and it's going to be hard starting school without them. Memories keep coming back and flashbacks of when the guy hurt me."

"I know it's hard sweetie.It's going to take time to heal and moving on from it.It's okay to miss them.They are right beside you in spirit watching over you with God.Things will get easier.One day and one step at a time.Just give it up to god every time you are struggling.He has plans for you and will help you through this.Jesus loves you very much.Try to focus on the positive that it's a miracle you survived."

She reads to me a verse "The lord delights in those who fear him. Who put their hope in his unfailing love." Psalm 147:11

"Mavis I want you to know you are not alone in this and that there is hope.He wants you to put your hope in him. God loves you very much.I love you Mavis and I will always be there for you.You can get through this,"She tells me holding my left hand in hers.

I nod and smile as I listen to what she is saying as I look into her brown eyes that lets me know she will always be there for me.She pulls me in for a hug and we stay there for a minute.

Later that night for dinner we have homemade mac and cheese with tater tots and a garden salad.

"Lord thank you for this food we are about to receive.I pray that the new school year would go well for these kids.I ask that you would take away any fears or worries they may have. Help to know you got good things in stored for them.I pray that tomorrow would be a day of joy and a day to make new friends.Thank you for letting us be together.I pray that you would give all of these children here the strength and rest they need for school and to bring healing over Mavis. I pray these things in your holy and precious name amen,"Aunt Megan says Grace tonight. Everyone says "Amen.

After a delicious dinner Aunt Megan , Tara and I change into our pajamas while the boys play football out in the backyard while it's still warm and clear in the evening sky. Us girls decide to paint each others nails and watch a movie. We all decide to watch Tangled which is one of my favorite movies to watch. "What color do you want?"Aunt Megan asks me and Tara.

"Pink please,"I say.

Tara says "I want pink also please."

"Of course.A great choice girls,"Auntie replied.

First I let Aunt Megan paint Tara's nails first while I eat popcorn.

"Thank you mom.It looks great," Tara says as she finishes painting her toenails.

"I'm glad you like it sweetie.You look beautiful,"Auntie says to her.

Aunt Megan gently holds my left hand in hers as she gently starts painting my nails. Her hands feel soft and smooth to the touch as she carefully paints each nails careful to not mess up. After she paints my fingernails she also paints my toenails.

"Thank you I love it."

"Your welcome sweetheart.You look beautiful,"She says to me giving my back a reassuring rub.

Tara and I each paint Aunt Megan's nails the same color as ours.

"I love it girls.Thank you.It looks beautiful,"She replied pulling us in for a side hug since her nails are wet.

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