"I'm so glad. Thanks for standing up for me. There is no one else I rather be with right now but you," I replied to her hugging her back."

"Of course my sweet little niece,"She replied hugging me back.

A few minutes later Aunt Michelle comes then followed by Grandma Lucy.

Grandma Lucy and Aunt Megan both have to finish signing my medical forms release forms before I can leave.Aunt Megan is going to be appointed my full guardian since both mom and dad are gone and adopt me. Aunt Megan is going to take care of me for the rest of the summer and work at home. She will go back to work once school starts I should be rested and healed up enough to go back to school. Aunt Megan was the first person I woke up to in the hospital. She is the one who told me what happened.That it was a miracle God was watching over me. I realized that God had put her in my life for a special reason not only to work with her as a celebration leader, but to bring me closer to God and to help me learn to trust him.Someone to pray over me.To have her support in helping me grow as Christian.I know that she will always be there for me every step of the way as she helps me heal emotionally,spiritually and physically taking care of me.I wish my parents could take care of me and that I would be coming home to our house.Though they are with Jesus now and will be watching over me protecting me.It will be the hardest thing I have ever gone through.I trust Aunt Megan and I'm grateful for all her love and support. I have always felt so bonded to her ever since I met her. God chose her to be my one constant adoptive aunt in Christ/ godmother. He knew that we would form an inseparable aunt niece bond ever since my Aunt Sarah hurt our family several years ago for different reasons. I do forgive her and hope to have a relationship with her. By staying at Aunt Megan's house it will be easier than staying at one of my biological family members houses.There is so many memories at my Grandma Lucy's and my Aunt Sarah's and Uncle Leroy's houses of me and my parents that it would be too painful emotionally to think about.By staying at Aunt Megan's house I can start over and have someone who believes in God like me.Aunt Sarah and Uncle Leroy and Grandma Lucy are catholic,but they only go to church on holidays.They don't believe in God in the same way my parents did and the way I still believe in God.I love my biological family members still and always and I hope God will find a way for us to spend time together on holidays and birthdays.

"I'm so glad you can be released today.That you are getting better and will be okay,"Aunt Michelle tells me brushing my bangs out of my eyes. She is staying with me right now while Grandma Lucy and Aunt Megan finish filling out my release forms.

I smile at her and squeeze her hand in agreement.


Finally Grandma Lucy and Aunt Megan are done filling out the release forms

"We can leave here just after the doctor comes in to do one last check,"Aunt Megan tells me.

Dr.Kenneth comes to give me one last check to make sure I'm fully recovered to leave. He shines a bright light across my eyes and checks my vitals and blood pressure.

"She's fully recovered.Everything looks to great.Just remember to take it easy for a few weeks and get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.No heavy lifting or exercise except for physical therapy once a week which will help you get back on your feet. Your wrist and shoulder should heal in six months or so,"He tells me and Aunt Megan.

"I'm glad to see her better and she should be fully recovered in a few months time,"He tells Aunt Megan.

He gives everybody a hug and I let him hug me because he saved my life.

"Thank you so much doctor for all your support and the great care you have given Mavis,"Grandma Lucy replied tearfully.

"Yes thank you again doctor for saving her and I'm glad she will be okay,"Aunt Michelle tells him.

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