Katie looked at me as she lifted her shirt tail and wiped the sweat off her face. "Do you think I'm mad because you picked out some paint colors for me to look at and approve?"

I looked at her, not sure what the correct answer to that was. "Yes?" I said.

Katie laughed. "I'm not mad at you taking an initial stab at the color scheme. I think we should start by getting some throw pillows that we like first, though, and then pick the paint color from there. You may fall in love with a particular throw pillow and have to change your whole color scheme around."

"That's true."

"However, I'm a little overwhelmed by it all. As of last week, I was living on my own and going out with you, enjoying myself. I knew that wasn't where I wanted to be for the rest of my life, but I was happy being there at that moment of time. My biggest concern was that I was still a virgin, I didn't want to be, and I didn't know how to tell you otherwise. Now, a week later, I'm no longer a virgin, which is good, but I am also contemplating living with you and giving up my apartment, and helping you decorate my dream house. It's just a bit of a mind warp, and I haven't quite kept up with the changes."

"I'm sorry", I repeated. "It's just that I've been waiting for you for my whole life and, now that I've found you, I want to get started on the rest of our lives together."

"You need to relax and let it be."

I paused. While I understood what Katie was saying in theory, I didn't know how to do it on a practical level. "So, I shouldn't pick up paint chips?" I asked. I knew that I sounded just as confused as I felt.

Katie laughed. "No, you can pick up paint chips. But everything doesn't have to be done right away. We don't have to buy all the furniture this year so long as we have enough. And you have enough now. Let's take our time and really enjoy it."

I tried not to take too much notice of the fact that she had said that 'we don't have to buy' and 'let's take our time'. It seemed like she was getting used to the idea of moving in with me, and I couldn't be happier. "Okay", I said with a smile. "I'll try."

"That's the difference between your previous houses and this house. This house you want to be in for a long time, so it doesn't all have to be done right away. In your other houses, the intent was to finish them and flip them, so it did make sense to get as much done as you could immediately. This house will evolve as our family situation evolves."

Our family situation? Yup, she was definitely thinking about the two of us together for the long term. I don't think she even noticed that she said it.

She looked at her watch. "We'd better get a move on if we're taking the car to the mechanic's this morning. I'll eat while you have your shower, and when you are out of the shower we can switch."


"So...you're moving in with Griff?" asked Zoe as she floated down and sat on the counter near the toaster.

"Probably... most likely. It's just that I'm afraid it will all be yanked away from me."

"Love is always a risk", said Zoe. "The person who you care about the most also has the greatest power to hurt you. Do you trust him?"

"I don't think he'd willingly hurt me. It's the unwilling part that I'm worried about. It's moving so fast. What happens if he wakes up one morning and realizes he made a huge mistake?"

"What happens if he doesn't? Will you take the chance that you miss out on something good just because you're scared?" I didn't say anything. "Look, you can go as slowly as you like. You have just taken a huge step by going to bed with him. You can pause here for a bit, or you can move in and pause then. I think Griff will understand if you don't want to make too many changes at once. Do you think he's the one?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I do. I don't deserve him."

"And I think that, if you asked him, he would say the same thing about you. That he doesn't deserve you. You have to remember that Griff is partly trying to move things along so quickly because he is trying to tie you to him before you get tired of him and walk away. He wants you to be well and truly stuck with him."

"I would never be 'stuck' with him. He would be a joy to live with, to have in your corner for life."

"That may not be how he sees things."

I buttered the raisin toast and sliced some cheese. Eating standing up over the sink – because really, aren't the best meals eaten over the sink? – I thought about what Zoe had said. "I'm scared."

"I know", she said. "And that's okay. You need to decide whether you trust him to treat your heart gently. And if the answer to that is yes, then why are you hesitating?"

"I trust him."

"Then go for it. Be excited about starting your life together. Get involved in the decorating decisions. It's okay to be happy."

"Thanks, Zoe", I said as I heard Griff call down that the shower was free. I shoved in the last bite of toast and, chewing quickly, I ran up the stairs and into the shower.

Car Heaven (Book 2 - Katie Prentice, Ghost Interpreter)Where stories live. Discover now