"I thought we hated Quidditch?" I say somewhat confused with his sudden change in behavior.

"People can change. Besides, I've been practicing. I think I might make the team eventually. Come on." He says running out in front of me.

"I can't. My dad's arranged to come up-" I say looking down at my feet.

"He's taking time away from the Ministry?" Scorpius asks.

"He wants to go on a walk— something to show me— share with me— something," I say trailing off.

"A walk?" He asks, and I give a shrug nod thing that I don't really know how to describe.

"I know, I think it's a bonding thing or something similarly vomit-inducing. Still, you know, I think I'll go." Scorpius Pulls me into a huge "what's this? I thought we decided we don't hug." Not that I'm complaining or anything.

"I wasn't sure. Whether we should. In this new version of us— I had in my head." He says, and I'm not quite sure what he means by it.

"You better ask Rose if It's the right thing to do," I say jokingly, thoroughly enjoyed the hug.

"Ha! Yeah. Right." He laughs, and then we dislodge, grinning at each other.

"I'll see you at dinner," I said before running off to find my dad.

(Time Skip)

Dinner is excellent as usual, the walk with my dad went surprisingly well, and everyone at the Slytherin table is happy about there win today, but yet I feel off.

Scorpius is rattling on about the game and how we did, but I zone him out, sumthing doesn't feel right, and I think it has something to do with my dad.

"All are you listening?" Scorpius asks tapping my shoulder.

"What?" I say snapping out of my trance.

"You weren't, ok what's wrong,"

"Nothings wrong," I say zoning out again.

"Albus, you haven't eaten anything on your plate, you have been silent this entire time, and you haven't told me to shut up about Quidditch once! Did the walk with your dad not go well?"

"No, it went fine."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I don't know, something just feels off, you know how the owls always know to hide before a thunderstorm, it feels like that,"

"Are you telling me you want to be an owl?' he jokes, even thou, it doesn't feel like a joking matter.

"Scorpius I being serious, something doesn't feel right,"

"Maybe you just need some sleep?"

"Yeah, maybe,"

After about an hour we leave the main hall, and head to the Slytherin dorms.

The next two months seem to blur together, Scorpius and Rose went on a couple of dates and next thing I know there dating? And the empty feeling I had only got worse.

But hay it's Christmas break, what's the worst that could happen?

(Time skip)

Scorpius' POV

"Are you done packing?" I ask leaning over Albus' shoulder.

"Almost why?" He asks shoving a cloak into his suitcase.

"Well I just wanted to check-in and see how you were doing, I've noticed that you have been acting a little down since Rose and I started dating, and I just wanted to check in-"

"You've said that twice."


"You said 'check-in' twice."

"Oh... sorry.. but anyways. Are you ok?"

"Yes, Scorpius I'm fine," He says zipping up his bags.

We both stand in awkward silence, it hasn't been this stiff since the day we first met, "Would it be ok if," I begin wondering if now is a good time to ask.

"If what would be ok?" Albus asked turning his attention to me.

I take a deep breath, "Would it be ok if Rose sat with us? It wasn't my idea, she wants to but wanted me to ask you to see if it was ok." I say rather fast.

A smile cuts across Albus' face, and he lets out a little laugh, "Of course she can."

"Oh okay," I say, A weight lifting from my shoulders.

"Did you think I was going to say no?" he laughed.

"Well, I guess, you just haven't seemed yourself recently, Rose thought it had something to do with your fight,"

"That fight was a long time ago,"

"Yeah, I know, honestly I don't know what we're thinking, but you are okay right?" I ask again just for clarification.

"Yes I'm fine, now you should go find Rose before we have to leave," 

It doesn't take me long to find Rose, she's in the library making sure all her books won't be due till after break.

"Hey, Rose!" I said quietly not wanting to be yelled at for being too loud.

"Scorpius!? Oh good, can you help me with my book?" She says gesturing toward her massive pile of books, it wasn't that she was checking out a lot of books it was more like she was checking out three Reilly big books.

"Yeah of course," I say, and she hands me the two smaller books and grabs the most significant book to carry herself.

"Are you even going to be able to finish all these books before the end of Break?" And as soon as I say this she gives me a look, a look that I imagine Hermione giving Ron all the time, the look, pretty much says are you kidding me? Have you forgotten who you're talking to? "Sorry stupid question."

Rose laughs "There are no stupid questions unless you're in class, then there are stupid questions." She says as we leave the Library "But for the most part I should be able to unless my dad decides to do something as a family, what about you what do you have planned for the Break?"

"I don't know, it's the first holiday that my grandparents aren't coming and dad doesn't really like the holidays, so I don't know."

"Why aren't your grandparents coming?"

"Well I don't really know but It think has to with how grandma hasn't been feeling all that well," he says looking off as if in deep thought, "And grandpa is worried that the trip will worsen her condition, on top of that grampa and dad don't get along,"

"I'm sorry about that, hay if you ever get bored you can always owl me," Rose says kissing my cheek making me blush a little.

"Oh, that reminds me Albus said you can sit with us on the train," I say as we step onto a moving staircase.

"Really I wasn't expecting that, didn't you say he was acting weird."

"Yah he has been acting kind of depressed lately, but he seemed fine today."

Rose was silent clearly in deep thought "this is my stop, I'll see you later." She said finally, grabbing the books out of my hands and heading up another flight of moving stairs.

This is basically the same as the first book but it changes a lot in the second chapter.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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