the move

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the boy band known as one direction moves to a small town called medford.

Harry: im glad we are moving to a new place aren't you boys?

Louis: yeah we needed to get way from all the fans. its like they are growing by the second.

Liam: your right Louis. We ll needed this change.

Zayn says while doing hi hair: Hey where is Niall?

Harry: I dont know. Good question zayn.

On the bus the boys look for Niall. After about five minutes of looking Louis finds him eating meat loaf from last nights dinner.

Louis: Niall that was a full eat loaf and now its gone. WOW you must be really hungry.


Harry (right next ti Liam): IM RIGHT HERE NO NEED TO YELL!!!!!!

Liam: sorry harry.

once the boys get unloaded from the bus and into the house, the go out and look around. Then they see the high school.

Louis: Hey guys what to do something fun?

Niall: hellz yea I do.

Liam: yea im in

Zayn: sure

Harry: why not

Louis: lets go back to high school.

Niall: yes lets do it ( niall is all jumpy)


Niall stops jumping and says: yes

Liam: what did I tell you about red bull

Niall: red bull is not for Niall. Niall should bot drink red bull cuz then Liam thinks Niall is on drugs and niall is not on drugs.

Liam: ok good

so as the school year comes the go and sign up for school. The boys go to there first class together and all their classes are they have are with each other. They walk in and there she is the perfect girl sitting there reading a book called "Crank". Louis walks up to her.

Louis: hey there whats ur name?

???: my name is kendra.

Louis: kendra that is a pretty name.

Kendra: uh... thanks I guess.

Harry walks over by Louis.

Harry: hey how r u

Kendra: im fine

the rest of the boys come over the kendras desk.

Kendra gets up and walks away to her other friends in her class.

After class the boys go up to kendra again.

Kendra: Can I help you with something?

kendra walks away from the boys. Kendra drops her notebook with her phone number and address and louis picked it up without the other boys knowing about it. later that night louis sneeks out of the house over to kendras place. [ding dong]

love at first sight (One Direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now