One More Day

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"We feel most alive when we are closest to death."
― Nenia Campbell

Daniel took off his burger and spoke through a mouthful. "Have you heard about the missing families?"

She took a bite of her ham and cheese sandwich, "Yes, why."

He wiggled his finger and smirked, "We could be next. Just think, a mass slaughter! But  how are they not caught."

Daniel fantasized over criminal and forensic analysis, for he wants to be a forensic analyst.

"Hmm,"  she pretended to be thinking and gasps, "Aliens!"

He laughed, and took another bite, "Man I always say this, but I love our lunch food is great. I'm going to miss it "

The lunch bell rang as if annoyed by his repetitive comment. "Last day of school for us, Danny"

"Yeah Kristie, we are officially adults though. We can do whatever we want."

She walked beside him as they made way to their next class, Economy. "Yes, only limited by taxes, and bills, and rent."

The principal, Orlando Harold bumped into Kristina pouring scalding water on her. "Shizza."

"Sorry, Ms. Wout. Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

He left of not bothering to pick up the fallen cup. She picked up the paper cup and sniffed it. "Why the hell are you sniffing his cup."

"It has dark substance it, what if he's drinking on the job." Her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at her grey shirt that had a red stain on it. "Odd." She walked to class silent, leaving Daniel to asses her. She kept reaching to massage the bridge of her nose to scratching the back of her neck and arm. They entered the class and she was back to her normal self. The teacher, Mrs. Scholater, was just like screw it, you guys are seniors and put on a movie. Kristina pulled out a Harry Potter book, Half-Blood Prince to be exact. The chapter was "The Will and Won't" Daniel caught himself glancing at her, but she was engulfed in the magical world in her pages. Soon the bell rang, and she packed up. He tapped her forehead and she swatted it away. "What?"

"Sorry just wanted to see if you want to here."

She glared and looked down. "I'm so excited for tomorrow."

Daniel felt the same but the opposite. "Yeah." He wanted to wish he could muster the courage to say, 'Hey Kristie, I've liked you since the first punch."

He grinned, which got a gaze from her. "Now, let's go home."

They walked to her home and he walked to his home, both greeted by loving parents. One was mentally preparing for graduation, and one mentally preparing to confess their feelings, and both preparing for tomorrow.

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