Chapter One: Judgment Day

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I liked Pietro and I wished he didn't die in Age of Ultron. This is my take on his death and time in Valhalla. I am planning on writing another fanfiction soon (Snow Bros), but I wanted to clarify one relationship that will in Snow Bros. I guess the cover picture kind of gives it away, but you'll get a better understanding of how they met soon. I was planning on one-shot, but I decided to split this into smaller chapters. Enjoy! :)

Thank you to @makingitup66 for creating this awesome cover! :)

Chapter One: Judgment Day

Pietro noticed Ultron hijack the Quinjet long before everyone else. Being new to this whole superhero thing, he had no clue what to do. He was told to get on a boat, but he didn't want to leave his sister alone, not with the risk of her getting hurt. Needless to say, Pietro was confused, stuck between helping his sister or stopping Ultron.

Pietro groaned. He didn't want to make a fatal mistake.

He knocked down a few stray robots and scanned the area. Almost everyone was on the boats. Except Agent Barton. He had apparently noticed something, or someone, and was running towards a building.

Suddenly the Quinjet swooped low over flying city, right above Barton. The Quinjet shot a hail of bullets towards Barton and a small boy whom Pietro could just see the shadow of.

"No!" Pietro shouted, and sprinted as hard as he could to block Barton and the boy from harm. Suddenly his nerves were on fire. His vision was becoming blurry and spotted, but he noticed Barton turn around with a look of pure shock on his face.

Pietro gave a weak grin and choked out, "You didn't see that coming."

Then he collapsed as everything turned black.


Pietro felt someone standing next to him. His vision cleared and he found himself floating about three inches off the ground. Dust was clearing and he saw Agent Barton carry the boy to boat.

"What?" Pietro asked confused. He felt fine, no pain, nothing. He glanced down and saw that he had no bullet wounds.

"Hello," a voice said softly, causing Pietro to turn. He saw an average sized man in a black tuxedo. His brown hair was covered by a black top hat. His beard was neatly groomed. "My name is Vincent. I'm a reaper. I'm here to take you to Valhalla."

Confusion caused Pietro to look around. He stopped in shock as Agent Barton and Captain America came back towards him. He watched as his body was carried onto the boat before it took off.

"Am I dead?" Pietro asked.

"Yes." Vincent answered. "Are you ready?"

Pietro didn't want to leave, but he didn't want to stay. A sudden lurch of the city would have made Pietro fall down if he wasn't floating. Wind whipped past him as the city stopped ascending. Ultron had completed his plan, the city was falling.

"We cannot stay here," Vincent said. Although they were not touching the ground, they still moved down with the city.

Pietro decided that his best option was to go with the strange man. Vincent extended his hand and Pietro took it, disappearing in a bright flash.


The room that he appeared in was large but cozy. A tall TV-like screen in front of him stood about twenty feet tall. Two pillars held up the gray ceiling on both sides of the screen. A small platform made out of marble sat in the middle of the room. A metal railing protruded from the front of the platform. Torches lit up the room in a soft glow, showing off the finely carved walls that were made out of grayish-white stone. The floor was a dark brown. A pathway that was lit on both sides led up to the platform. Vincent stood besides Pietro, his hands clasped behind his back. The only entrances or exits were two large, wooden, doors, one on each side of the room. Two guards were stationed per door. The guards wore gold and brown armour and held a sharp-looking spear in their hands.

"Stand on the platform and place your hands on railing," Vincent ordered gently. Pietro obeyed and walked up onto the platform. He placed his hands on the railing. He felt it hum and the screen suddenly lit up. It was split into two columns. Green words appeared on the left side of the screen, with red words on the right. More and more words split into either column with increasing speed.

Pietro didn't know if he was allowed to speak but he had to know what those words meant. They were too small to read, which only made Pietro even more curious to figure out what they meant.

"You're wondering what those words mean," Vincent said, causing Pietro to jump. How had he known what he was thinking?

"The green words are decisions and actions that you did well. The red words are bad things that you did, or 'sins.' This is a moral reading, it determines whether you go to Valhalla or Helheim," Vincent explained.

The screen stopped writing and Vincent looked at the verdict. There were more green words and Pietro let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, especially since he thought that dead people didn't need to breathe.

"Congratulations," Vincent said. "You made it into Valhalla. This way." He motioned towards the door on the left. Pietro stepped down from the platform and followed Vincent. The guards at the door pulled it open. Milky white light swirled behind the door. Pietro knew better than to walk into strange rooms without making sure they were safe first, but Vincent stepped through without any hesitation. Pietro assumed that it was safe and followed suit...

He stepped out into a large plaza. Green trees and colorful flowers were planted around the plaza. People mingled happily. The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky. Laughter rang in the air. Buildings surrounded the plaza. The city looked familiar...

Pietro gasped. It was Sokovia!

"How..." Pietro started but stopped due to shock. It wasn't possible. He just saw Sokovia fall from the sky in ruins.

"The queen decided to model Valhalla after the Land of the Living. We are in the Land of the Dead, but everything here is the same, except for the people. The queen thought it would be easier on people if they lived somewhere familiar," Vincent explained.

Tears welled in Pietro's eyes as his emotions suddenly hit him hard. "Wanda..." Pietro choked out. "Is she alright?"

"I do not know, but the queen might. She usually doesn't give out small favors, but she might make an exception for an Avenger."

"Only for a couple days! I'm hardly an Avenger. They're heroes-"

"And you are not?" Vincent stared questioningly at Pietro. Pietro didn't respond, which made Vincent to continue. "Apparently your morals say otherwise. Everything that you did with Hydra is forgiven, unless you want to carry out a punishment in Helheim until you seem fit for Valhalla."

"No, I'm fine. I'd like to stay here, please." Pietro picked at his sleeve nervously. "Is there a way that I could check on Wanda?"

"You are close with your sister, aren't you?"

Pietro nodded.

"It's not guaranteed that the queen will help you, but you will never know until you try. There is a gathering tonight. Take the subway to the castle and you will find help along the way." With that, Vincent disappeared in a flash of white.

Pietro blinked the spots out of his vision and looked around the plaza. Everything was how he remembered it, which meant...

Pietro suddenly took off towards a familiar building. He still had his super-speed as he sprinted into a residential part of Sokovia. He skidded to a halt at the bottom of stone steps. An apartment building loomed in front of him. He took a deep breath and bounded up the steps. He burst into the lobby and up the staircase that he remembered from his childhood.

He stopped at wooden door. He suddenly got nervous, and knocked slowly after a minute of thinking. Footsteps could be heard as someone answered the door. The door opened and Pietro found himself staring into warm brown eyes.

"Mom..." Pietro breathed.

This story will also explain why a certain character in Thor Ragnarok acted that way. More is coming soon! Please leave a comment! :)

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