MY last response

7 1 3

Kaiba Turned around To The Crowd And Said "if you were really My Fans Than You Wouldn't be insulting Maria like that but you show me that you're nothing but a haters and do you know what I do to haters I make them regret of what they just said to her and I don't want to see any of you fake fans stepping anywhere near her or her family and I want to see you over a billion step away from us but to those who are true fans thank you for your support and you will get to see something special very soon but to the haters I don't  want to see your face every again do you got that and whatever happens in my personal life stay private and I say that I deserve some privacy don't you think" and he show that he wasn't kidding and was dead serious about it

or well something  similar to that
Before my last response got erase
From wattpad


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