Coming Back

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A few weeks passed by and Madam Pomfrey cleared Iris to go back to classes. Thankfully she didn't miss much because her friends had taken notes for her and kept her up to speed. Iris got dressed in her Gryffindor robes and walked down to the great hall, she placed a hand on her head feeling it throb but ignored it. "Iris?!" turning around Lily came running up to her, "Are you sure you should be back?" Iris laughed, "I'm fine now Lily, just a small headache is all" she told Lily walking into the great hall arm in arm.

Remus picked at the food on his plate, sighing he set his fork down no longer feeling hungry. I miss Iris, he thought. "Oi, Moony" James said nudging Remus's side, "What?" Remus asked, "Iris is back!" James told her, snapping his head up Remus saw Iris standing at the front of the great hall with Lily. "We should go up and welcome her back" Sirius suggested, "Uh oh" Peter said pointing to Lily and Iris who were talking with Alice when Lucious strutted over to them. Remus clenched his fist in anger, never had he felt more anger towards Lucius Malfoy then he did right now. Lucius grabbed Iris by the arm and that was the last straw for Remus, slamming his hands on the table he angrily stormed up to them, Iris looked over at him her blue eyes flickering with fear. "Malfoy!" Remus growled, "What do you want L--" Remus shoved him back away from Iris, grabbing the collar of his shirt Remus shoved him against the wall, his want pointed at Lucius's throat. "Mr Lupin!!" McGonagall yelled but Remus didn't move. "Don't' you dare go near her again or I swear to godric I will hex you to oblivion" Remus growled with a threatening tone. "Mr Lupin lower your wand now!" McGonagall shouted and this time Remus listening, lowering his wand he took a step back. Lucius and Bellatrix ran away, "Mr Lupin I am astounded by your actions!" McGonagall scolded, "Fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor and detention of Friday" "Moony?... Are you alright mate?" James asked, ignoring James Remus stormed off in a random direction. 

Remus picked at the food on his plate, sighing he set his fork down no longer feeling hungry. I miss Iris, he thought. "Oi, Moony" James said nudging Remus's side, "What?" Remus asked, "Iris is back!" James told her, snapping his head up Remus saw Iris standing at the front of the great hall with Lily. "We should go up and welcome her back" Sirius suggested, "Uh oh" Peter said pointing to Lily and Iris who were talking with Alice when Lucious strutted over to them. Remus clenched his fist in anger, never had he felt more anger towards Lucius Malfoy then he did right now. Lucius grabbed Iris by the arm and that was the last straw for Remus, slamming his hands on the table he angrily stormed up to them, Iris looked over at him her blue eyes flickering with fear. "Malfoy!" Remus growled, "What do you want L--" Remus shoved him back away from Iris, grabbing the collar of his shirt Remus shoved him against the wall, his want pointed at Lucius's throat. "Mr Lupin!!" McGonagall yelled but Remus didn't move. "Don't' you dare go near her again or I swear to godric I will hex you to oblivion" Remus growled with a threatening tone. "Mr Lupin lower your wand now!" McGonagall shouted and this time Remus listening, lowering his wand he took a step back. Lucius and Bellatrix ran away, "Mr Lupin I am astounded by your actions!" McGonagall scolded, "Fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor and detention of Friday" "Moony?... Are you alright mate?" James asked, ignoring James Remus stormed off in a random direction.

Walking up to Dumbledore's office, James began to get nervous. What if he said no? Pushing the doors open, Dumbledore looked up from his desk. "Mr Potter? What can I do for you?" Dumbledore asked, "I wanted to talk to you about Iris" "And what about her, Mr Potter?" James took a deep breath. "I found her a new home, with me and my family" James said, "Mr Potter it's not--" "No!" James shouted, "I already owled my parents and they'd be thrilled to take her in as a daughter. My parents even said they'd adopt her and change her last name to Potter, she'd no longer be associated with the Malfoy's. Her parents obviously wouldn't care, she'd be safe Headmaster, I'm sick of my friends being abused and hurt. Let me help her." James pleaded, "Iris is just like a sister to me. Please just think about it" not waiting for a response James walked out of his office hoping he made a point.

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