Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first book on wattpad! Eek im soo excited! Just to let you all know, i am not good like all the other amazing writers but i am just writing this for fun! Hope u enjoy! Plz show your support by commenting,voting! Thnx! :D

* Dedicated to Dandino for making the beautiful cover! Thanks soo much! *


The End Of LUV

Chapter 1

I'm wearing my dream dress. It's a long, white, strapless, chiffon gown with glistening Swarovski crystals all around the bottom of my dress. It outlines the contours of my body perfectly.

I slowly step out of my father's car. He stands tall before me, with a smile strewn across his lips.

“My dear, are you ready?” My father asks me.

“As ready as I'll ever be,” I reply with a soft smile and a gentle sigh. He smiles at me and intertwines his fingers with mine as we slowly but steadily make our way to the large mahogany doors of the spectacular church. As soon as I step foot into the church, I am shocked out of my wits at the magnificent sight laid before me. I am lost for words. My eyes must be deceiving me. I close my eyes for a second and when I open them, I am faced with the same beautiful sight. My eyes must be deceiving me.

In the background, I can hear slow music playing as my father and I slowly walk to the start of the aisle. I take a moment to observe the crowd to see that they have all rose from their seats to honor my arrival. I feel like one of the princesses from the bed time stories my father used to tell me when I was younger. They have all gathered here to watch me marry the love of my life, LUV. Speaking of him, I glance to the end of the aisle, my eyes falling upon him standing there, flashing me his signature killer smile. I return the smile and I can feel my cheeks getting hot.

When I finally reach the end of the aisle, my father lifts my veil and gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

“Good luck, Maria,” he whispers to me in a gentle, loving tone. “I'm sure you will be okay,” he reassures me.

“Thanks, dad, for the support.” I move to stand beside LUV. He leans close to me and whispers into my ear.

“You're looking beautiful as always, Maria.” His warm breath against my ear sends a tingling sensation down my body.

“Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself.” I reply in a playful tone. That was a lie; he looked gorgeous in his black suit. It highlighted his body nicely. His blue eyes sparkled and I simply couldn't pull my eyes away from him.

“Thanks for the compliment,” he laughs quietly. “I rarely ever get them from you.”

“Haha, well you can count on getting a lot today,” I promise him. He smirks at me before we turn our gaze towards the priest and the ceremony begins.

My typical impatience begins to kick in and I grow impatient as I wait for the priest to announce that I was now Mrs. Luke Ulric Victorson. After we exchange our vows and rings, the time has finally come.

“I now pronounce your husband and wife,” the priest announces then adds. “You may now kiss the bride.” LUV and I get closer and closer before he closes the gap between us. We share our perfect wedding kiss in front of all our friends and family. Oh, how I have waited so long for this day to come and, at long last, it has finally come.

~* ~*~*~

“Ms Sands? Ms Sands!” I wake up with a startle, shocked to see my Science teacher, Mr. Mason, screaming at me across the room. “Sleeping in class again I see,” he states bluntly with a stern look accompanying his serious tone.

“Sorry, sir, this won't happen again, I promise.”

“Pass me your exam script!” He spits at me.

I look down at my desk in search of the paper. I can feel Mr. Mason shooting daggers in my direction. My heart is hammering against my chest as panic starts to arise. I rummage through the papers on my desk until at last, after what felt like an eternity, I find the script and hand it over to him. He grabs the paper from my hand with a look of sheer annoyance on his face before making his way back to the front of the class.

“Thank God,” I mutter to myself under my breath.

 Mr. Mason was the type of teacher that loved to intimidate his learners. He would always find a way to ridicule us. I guess that because today is the last day high school, he has softened up a little. Maybe, just maybe. My eyes follow him to the front of the class.

Suddenly, he stops in his tracks and pivots on his heels to face me once more. There is an amused look plastered across his dusty, old, wrinkled face.

“Might I ask, Ms Sands, why were you kissing thin air?” He asks in a mocking tone. My eyes go wide at his question, and my heart beats in an irregular rhythm against its bony cage.

“Err...” I started, thinking frantically of a reasonable excuse for my subconscious actions but I was too late; the whole class erupted suddenly in fits of laughter. I make an educated decision to keep my mouth shut and I slide down my chair, burying my face in my hands to hide my embarrassment, wishing that the ground would open up and swallow me. Much to my dismay, it did not. Luckily, I was saved by the bell. I got up from my seat and made a quick dash out of the door. This was the worst day of my life!

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