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Sneaking into Deans room in the middle of the night has become a constant hobby of Castiel's. Once every two to three nights, Cas would seamlessly slip into Dean's shirts, which were ginormous on him, bury himself in the warm blankets that smelt like Dean, and lightly touch a finger to his forehead. Dean dreamt of a lot of things, Sam, his parents, lots of things. He sometimes dreamt of not so wonderful things though. Every now and then, he'd dream of some monster he had recently hunted, only in his dreams, he or Sam wasn't so prepared, or so perfect at killing the thing. Cas heard Deans heart behind to race when those dreams happened, he'd hear his heart and his breath and smell the sweat and feel him tossing and turning. So castiel changed the dream. He'd make Dean repeat an old dream he had once. And then he'd watch all over again, enjoying every moment of it.

But tonight was different. When he walked into the room, it all felt normal. He'd pull deans shirt out, crawl under the covers and slide close up next to dean. The first time he put his fingers to his head, all he saw was darkness. He heard light sleeping sounds. But that was all. He decided to manipulate the dream slightly and added some light to the image. Now he saw a bed with two mounds in it. Probably a memory dean is having with Lisa. Cas didn't like these as much and was about to pull away for the night when he saw dean move out of the way to show the other body laying next to him. It was Cas. Suddenly, dean wrapped his arms around the angel and murmured into his neck.

"This was an invasion of privacy."

Cas slowly pulled his finger away from Deans forehead and folded them into each other.

"I guess I'll be going, then." He muttered after a few moments. But when deans arms pulled tighter around him, He stopped.

"No. Stay." Dean said, half asleep.

And so he did.

Sleep (destiel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz