"Oh, darling come here. It's alright." Anne cuddles him into her and rubs his back.

"Yeah, H. Pick whichever you want and take all the time you need."

He decides on a completely different crib than the two he was looking at. Zayn rolls his eyes but it's playful. He's more than used to this by now.

They finish getting everything they need for the babies because in just over a month, Harry will be done with school for the summer and the babies will be here. So, they're on quite a tight schedule here.

"Ugh. Ok. I'm uncomfortable. I need to sit down. Can we go eat?" Harry whines and the other nod.

Anne walks him out, massaging his back a little as they go as Zayn carries out all they've bought on a cart. Harry gets into the front seat and leans his seat back all the way, lying on his side. He rubs up and down his belly and his mum frowns.

"You alright, sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm just sooooooo uncomfortable. My back is killing me and Capri is rolling around like a mad woman and Baby Z is playing footie with my ribs."

Zayn smiles from the back. No matter how many times he hears it, he can't get over how Harry's naming his firstborn son after him. It's such an honor and Zayn plans on being the best uncle he can be.

"What are you feeling for lunch, H?" He asks, scratching his curls soothingly.

Harry thinks for a moment, pushing down on his stomach to remove Zayn from his rib cage and smiles a bit.

"I want Nandos."

Zayn rolls his eyes because REALLY? Niall loves Nandos. He's actually really surprised he wants Nandos because he hasn't craved it once since he threw up his entire dinner there when he first got pregnant. It was just him and Zayn and he figures that's why it's turning him off of it too.

Seeing their chicken make a reappearance from his best mate kind of ruins it for him.


"Yeah, I'm just all of a sudden REALLY craving their chicken. With ranch. And chocolate cake."

Zayn scrunches his nose and Anne just laughs.

"Nandos it is."


Zayn sees Louis first and he brings Harry to a booth quickly to try and hide him from the lad.

As luck would have it however, Harry sees him anyway and gets visible upset. His eyes become teary and his hands shake a bit.


"I..I wanna leave. My..my belly hurts."

"Ok, ok Harry. Take it easy. We'll go, ok?"

Zayn eases him quickly out of the booth and signals to his mum to get the food to go. She nods but before the three can exit, a girl enters walking up to Louis.

Harry nearly collapses against Zayn. Zayn clenches his fist, ready to have it out with Louis. He's tough and many people fear him even though he's quite skinny.

He's not afraid of anything though and knows how to fight.

"No Zayn, no. It's not worth it, please..please just get me out of here."

"Alright. Alright H. But if I ever catch him again.."

"Please Zayn. Let's just go! The babies are going crazy."

And they are.

They're positively killing Harry's insides sensing his sadness and anxiety. He wasn't lying when he said his belly hurts.

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