"I'm sorry, Master..." Ban muttered, then turned to face the horn. He was sure it had contained (y/n) somewhere- he just needed to find out where that somewhere was. His voice raised slightly, "I have something to do here."

"The hell do you-"

"You are correct," a feminine voice echoed, the horn beginning to glow that pink color once again. Ban narrowed his eyes at the object, "But that 'something' is not what you believe it to be."

"It's talking?!" Hawk squealed, shaking as he stared, terrified, at the large horn. "The hell?!"

"Give (y/n) back!" Ban demanded, ignoring Hawk completely and eyeing the horn.

"I do not have her," the goddess responded, her voice slightly amused. "I have no use for that demoness."

"Then where is she?!" Ban shouted, teeth bared as he stepped forward threateningly.

"In the room above the one we stand," the goddess answered honestly, "waking up to find herself in quite a predicament."

Ban turned on his heels, immediately heading for the stairs. An ethereal pink glow appeared in front of him, and he growled, turning threateningly toward the goddess.

"As I said, Ban, Man Of Greed, we have something to discuss. A barter of assistances, I suppose."

"Back off lady!" Ban growled, dashing to the side and around the wall, beginning to head toward the staircase.


The goddesses voice rang out, making the room go eerily quiet. Ban had stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide with a combination anger, sadness, and fear upon hearing his previous lover's name. The goddess knew this would work- for she was the topic of discussion, after all. A very touchy topic.

"How do you know that name?" Ban growled, his voice dangerous as he trembled lightly. He had not moved from his position, facing the stairs, save for that he was now glaring daggers at the floor.

"I am of the Goddess Clan," she responded instantly, "I know much more that you will ever believe is possible."

"That Goddess Clan?!" Hawk shrieked, "The hell?!"

"Show yourself!" Ban snarled, whirling around and storming into the circle of light once again. "I'll kill you, right here, right now!"

"Sadly, that is impossible at the moment," the voice echoed from the horn. "In order to retain the fraction of my powers that I have, I cannot manifest myself physically. However, granting your true wish is an easy feat."

"True wish?" Ban asked hesitantly.

"Ban!" Hawk whisper-shouted, to which Ban ignored, just as he had been doing the entirety of the time. "That Horn! Is talking!"

"Yes," hummed the goddess, "bringing a single fairy to life is not difficult."

"What... do you mean?" Ban asked, unable to stop himself from asking. The words escaped his lips before he even knew he was saying something.

"I can bring Saint Elaine back if you do a simple task for me," purred the goddess.

Ban's inner turmoil was strong, fighting a seemingly unending war. Elaine- he would always love her, no matter what. She was his first lover, the woman he had fell for without hesitation or doubt. But he was with you now- and he was happy for the first time in a long time. He liked- dare he say, loved- you a lot, and he was happy with you. Essentially, he was choosing between his dead girlfriend and his current girlfriend. Neither choice ended well.

Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now