20 Unknown facts about me! (Hehehe XD)

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Hey Guys! I'm doing this simply because someone nominated me ^^^... Like Seriously I just opened my accout to see that I have to do this... WELL! Here you go! Funny I'm kinda excited to do this so yeah! Anyways let's begin!


Fact # 1 

HAHAHA omg! I'm addicted to the color green. NO, DO NOT LET YOUR MINDS GO FLOATING CAUSE IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! Anyway. yes color green. well because it's my favorite color. *^*  Since I was a child i have always loved the color green. So when I see color green everywhere I scream. hehehe...My bags are all green ALSO. Side fact # 1.5 My school is color jade OMG JADE!! This was one of my reasons why i was excited to see my school again after the summer. Simply because of the painted walls :)

Fact # 2 

I am addicted drawer in anime...Yes,many people may say. "ÿeah that's normal." NOPE! Funny thing is when I draw i always need a copy. and when i copy,i copy almost EVERY SINGLE DETAIL! Seriously it really counts. My sister be like "You know it's fine. It's already good." Nope! I still do every detail. I'm a perfectionist in drawing. 

Fact # 3 

I hate birds. hehe... It creeps me out! Those eyes,those feathers,those beaks.NO! NO NO AND NO. Do you know that when i simply see a fearther i creep out? Yes a fucking feather! :)

Fact # 4

I'm also good at caligraphy. AKA WRITING WORDS. I'm very creative when it comes to letters. I have 3 siblings and all three of them has a very bad handwriting. No seriously my sister's handwriting has been like that since her 3rd grade! She like.. umm... 3rd year highschool? Idk. my brother really doesnt care about his. He's like like "Let's fuck it!" and my other sister? I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!! Well not me. My parents ussually compare my handwriting to theirs witch is really funny seriously. 

Fact # 5

DEEYYYMMM...I'think I'm stuck. I don't know anymore TT~TT Oh! I'm bad at playing the piano. Yes. My sister can finish a anime music piece within 4 to 5 days and i'm like "I haven't even finished mine TT~TT. It's been umm...5 no wait 7? Ah yes 7 months since I haven't finished EUTERPE (Guilty Crown). Damn that, idc anymore...

Fact # 6


Fact # 7 

Fuck why is it still seven?! Anywho~~ I always sleep with a sweater. I don't know if I'm weird cause I feel freezing when I sleep. My siblings all be in shorts and in shortsleeves and I be and a sweater. A GODDAMNED SWEATER!! Sometimes I may even put socks and and gloves...

Fact # 8

My story "The Dark Fate" was in my drafts for 5 months. YEAS 5 MONTHS!  HAHAHA!! I was so afraid of what you guys might think of it and also I was not yet ready. Seriously hahahah!!!

Please check it out! It's a Akashi fanfic so yeah!

Fact # 9

I nver had a gadget untill my 2rd year of Middleschool (6th grade) Yeah it was just last hahaha  year! I may be rich because of my standards here but I do not have any appliances besides my Computer (husbandu TT~TT It broke) This is one reason why I'm anti social. I gradually got better in media stuffs only here in wattpad. Yeahyah!! 

Fact # 10

HALF WAY THERE!! I'm a natural at sports. I can play any kind of sport: Basketball,volleyball,swimming,Tabletennis,Bowling etc. Tho I'm not sure about golf. Haven't tried it yet :)

Fact # 11

I'm smart. Hell yeah! My lowest rank was rank 14 and I have never ever had been in the 2nd or 3rd class. Funny, Us top achievers DO NOT STUDY! I repeat :DO NOT STUDY! But do not try this. It might not work for you guys. Hehehe maybe? So yeah! When I study I flip pages. Or 5 mintutes before the test. huehuehuehue!!

Fact # 12

My metabolism is slow that is why I'm thin I AM NOT MALNOURISHED! I GAIN 3 KL THIS SUMMER. hahaha but seriously I was 44 kl and now 47! Yes it's weird for my age! Not specified for unknown reasons

Fact # 13

I sleep talk. Idk my Sister gave me this reason and I have no idea why I still wrote this down. Even if It is emberrasing =~= 

Fact # 14

I have a fetish in saving pics of a specific anime after watching hehehe... Like seriously after I watch I save a folder with it's pics on it.

Fact # 15

I'm a information gatherer. Not a stalker. It's just for anime stuffs MWAHAHAHA!! Jke. :) I rewatch and reread a lot of animes especially Kurobasu because of my bby Kuroko <3 Let's see... Umm I'll give you a example. Like this: I've noticed in the manga (Kurobasu) also in ep 13 season 2 that Akashi calls the GoM by their first names right? "Daiki,Ryouta,Atsushi,Shintarou and also Tetsuya" But actually that was because it was his other self. when he reverted back to the old him he refered Kuroko as "Kuroko, long time no see." See? He's absouteness had authority to call them by their first names. But not like his old self. (He still has absouluteness tho.) Well I don't know how was that interesting tho. (Srry for the spoilers if i did) I also can easily tell who is the voice actors like Hakuryuu and Kuroko and Slain hahaha Omg fangils!! *^*

Fact # 16 

Connection to the Fact # 15: I really love to spoil other people about the anime. My sister will stay away from me when I read the manga or watch it earlier than her hehehe. So don't come to me for suggestions. I may tell you the whole thing by the time you are still starting hehehe...XDD

Fact # 17

OMG IT'S 17 Already?! hahaha Finally! Anyways I have a weird fettish for DANDERE AND CUUDERE BOYS like Kuroko, Slain,Inaho,Mori-senpai,Ai-senpai Iorie(BroCon) Haru and etc. hahaha... Also I am addicted to Saber (from fate/zero and Fat stay/night) for unknown reasons. Idk. she a cuudere and  I love her sword *^* EXE--CAAALIBUUUUR!!!!! Yes I hart hart her!!

Fact # 18

I love writing my stories in notebooks which I do not use after that. Actually each fat notebook contains a chapter of my stories (2 of them actually) so yeah... I'm guessing 9? 9 notebooks? Idk anymore I lost count.

Fact # 19 

I used to have 20+ dogs hehehe Unbelievable right? Well now I just have 1 so yeah huhuhhu... my bbies =~=


I don't know whAT to put huhuhu...After all that I finished up my list hahahaha!! XDD Oh! Wait! I'M Neat freak! There's a difference to Heichou-sama AKA Levi Ackerman (See? another spoiler) Levi is a Clean freak. AND I'm a Neat freak a clean freak is a person who love to clean. I love neat things. Okay slash that I'm a bit of both. I when I'm angry I clean. When my parents get my laptop I clean. So yeah hahaha 

OKay!!! There you go! A full list about me! HAHAHA!!! Finally I can read in peace XD Seriosly I wasteed my time on this and I dont like it. Hehehe joke I had so much Fun! Thanks Imma dedicate this to you for nominating me. I'm gonna nominate just 5 people to do this too!! JUST FIVE!! AHAHA!! too lazy to type now. So yeah Bye! Sighning Off!!

9/13/14 12:06~~

20 Unknown facts about me! (Hehehe XD)Where stories live. Discover now