sanskar saw the pain in her eyes, so he decided to low the tension from the atmosphere.." badi maa..why are you taking know na laksh love eating street food, he must be eating from outside.." ap smile fakely..then they start eating again with little talks, forgetting that someone is there also who hadn't eat anything yet...

After completing their breakfast men left for office and women to their rooms. Ragini along with servants came and clean the this the whole day passed. She worked all day without talking anybody and tried to not come infront of anyone unnecessarily..late in night she came inside their room and found laksh working something on the lp she silently walked to the washroom and changed her clothes. Laksh prepared himself for scolding her if she tried to sleep on the bed. He wanted to shout at her and cursed her. But for his shock she came out and directly went to the chouch and sleep their..laksh got frustrate, he close the lp and lay furiously..

Days passed,and nothing get changed in their relation. Laksh keeps trying to impress swara to get her back, and sanskar keep pampering swara as she is some queen and swara was enjoying both of their attentions..she was neither stopping sanskar nor letting laksh to finish his hopes for getting her.. Laksh was getting more and more frustrate seeing swasan closeness and blamed everything on ragini and always search excuses to scold her but ragini didn't give anyone chance to scold her, she neither talks to anyone nor came infront of them.. soon atmostphere of the mm again become normal like nothing happened, but not for two souls, who were still stuck in that night only, Ragini and Laksh..

One day after breakfast laksh went to the office but in half way he realised he didn't took his project file so he came back, and directly went to the room, he opened the room and found ragini sitting on the sofa eating breakfast, she look at him and become shock like she got cought red handed..laksh look her with narrowed eyes then went to the cupboard for the file..she stand up placing her plate behind, looking him. He took his file and left from their without giving heed to her. She took a deep breath in relieve and start eating again..

After some days laksh came back from the office early. He was craving for tea, and directly went to the kitchen and found ragini standing infront of gas, making some dish and smiling dreamly..laksh was confused and think,' why she is smiling like this... Is something going in her mind, what if she again start ploting against swara or i can't let her win this time.. i will keep a close eye on her from now..' he think with all his hate and left from night asusual ragini come late and lay on the couch..Sleep was away from laksh eyes as he was still in confusion because of her previous smile...

In middle of the night laksh felt ragini got up from the couch. He open his eyes slightly and found her tiptopping toward him slowly. She came toward him and called him slowly. Then she wave the hand infront of him, but he still pretend sleeping. Ragini took breath in relieve and walked out to the room slowly and carefully without making a sound..laksh open his eyes.. ' i knew this, she can't be change..' thinking he followed her without her notice..

Ragini went to the kitchen and took out something from the drawer.. laksh didn't understand for a moment what it this, but when she came in the light with that thing, laksh get shock.. it was a HIS dinner plate with his leftover food and one water jar..he frowened.. ' now what she is planning to do with these..?' He quickly hide behind the pillar when she was coming out...she went from there, he followed her..

Ragini directly went to the tarrace, laksh was still confused but he decided to follow her without to see what she is planning..he hide behind the plants.. ragini placed the plate and and jar on the table and look above and smile.." okay..i am sorry for coming please finish your anger..." he frowned and look to find whom she is talking but no one was there.." i know i did wrong, but what to do laksh was not ready to leave me.." laksh frowned thinking when he stopped her and whom she is talking..she continue.." now lets eat dinner MOM.." saying she sit on the chair and start eating and continue talking to herself.. laksh was shock, she was talking about her whole day, but the shocking thing was that, nothing happened like that what she were talking.. she was talking about her and laksh romance and love, which happened never...

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