The other one

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As we left for gym I looked for cute and sweet guys on our class. I found a sweet guy named Sean and started talking to him. He even asked me on a date and I said yes. He picked me up and we left to the German restaurant.
"You look amazing." He told me and I blushed.
I was laughing at something he said when i got a glimpse of someone. I turned around and Noah was on the other table starring at us. I wonder what was wrong with him. We payed and had a great time and we even agreed on seeing each other again. I left and started walking home. As i was deep in thoughts i heard someone spoke to me.
"Don't talk to that guy." Noah said.
"Oh please. And why is that?."
"Just don't okay?"
"No." I said and left even though he called me.
The next day I met Julia and we walked to the part where all the guys where.
"I wanna drink water." I said as an excuse to pass by Noah and i noticed him staring at me as I did.When i came back she commented:
"Oh please. You like that guy."
"As if." I denied even though I knew I did like him. A lot. But it wouldn't even matter because he would never pay attention to me, when there are so many more perfect girls. However i tried to play 'hard to get.'


"Everyone listen up. You are going to a have an afternoon playing with kids who have a hard life and need company.I was happy. I loved helping with what i could."And you are going to divide into groups of 6 that divide into pairs by list." The teacher announced.
"Sherold and Fer;Hailey and Jay;Penelope and Noah." Wait. WHAT.Shit."Come this way please." They called us and we separated in our pairs in a big room. I walked to a table and Noah followed and sat in front of me. We played with kids and it was really fun.I heard Noah offer a girl to make her a human and the teacher confused her with a monster so we both laughed.It felt so good. Wow. When I thought he couldn't get more cute. His smile.His laugh.There I realised that I saw a different guy from the "bad boy".I saw a vulnerable and sweet guy who made himself look bad boy so that they would accept him.I smiled to myself. He wasn't as bad as I thought. In the inside he was a great guy, who made himself look different because he thought that was the way society would accept him.

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