Marcos P.O.V -

"Hold still, I'm almost done" John said focusing on trying to patch up my wound. "I'm fine, John, look we need to go after Lorna, We get a team together, we....." I say aggravatingly when he cut me off saying, "And do what? Huh? Get one of us killed? Marcos we barely got away from a dozen cops, now you want to take on a hundred? We can't take that risk right now." John sighed

"Then when? The X-Men, the brotherhood, we don't even know if they exist anymore." I sigh "Look we are alone and we are getting picked off one by one"

"Look around we'd be risking all these people, everything we built, everything Lorna built" John said and I could tell he was getting impatient with me on this situation.

"Guys, we got a problem" Sage says

"What is it?" John asks as we make our way to the room with the television in it.

Turns out there was a mutant attack at a high school, apparently two teenagers did all the damage probably just finding out their powers. At least they haven't been caught yet.

"Well if it wasn't too hot before, it sure as hell is now." Sage says still staring at the T.V screen

Few Minutes Later -

"Is that your dog?" Clarice asked coming into view

"She's uh, she's everybody's really." I replied

"Look, I just wanted to say thank you for saving me." Clarice said

"Even though I threw a coffee pot at your head" she kept going.

"And a mug" I mocked
"And a mug" she said laughing slightly

"Don't worry about it" I said answering her previous question. I know I was lying but if it wasn't for her Lorna or Stormy wouldn't have gotten caught, but, deep down I know it wasn't her fault I just want blame someone but can't.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize she stopped talking.

"Sorry say it again?"

"I said, do you guys run this group?" She asked

"No, the networks nationwide founded after the anti-mutant laws first got bad just before the x-man disappeared" I replied

"What about this place?" She asked

"Uh.. It's been abandoned since Oakland, figured it's the last place they'd look" I said

"My sister and I got brought into this station by uh, John a-and by Lorna." I continued

"I guess this has something to do with getting them out of prison?" She asked pointing towards the thing I was working on.

"Yeah, well that was the idea" I replied back.

"Should work great, as long as they have no guards or cameras or smoke detectors? She said sarcastically

"Yeah, I mumbled

"For what it's worth, uh I know you lost them helping me, and I'm sorry." She said sincerely.

"That's alright wasn't your fault" I said.

"Wait you got yourself out of prison using some kind of portal, right? You think you could get someone in? I asked hopeful.

"It doesnt work like that, it's bad if I try to go someplace that I can't see, someplace I havent been." She said

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