Diary entries, Returning, and the Placement test!

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"Dear Diary,

I've been in America one week and I don't like it.

I've been picked on a lot for not knowing how to speak English properly. Even teachers laugh at me. And since mom is looking for a job, she barely listens to me.

I wanna go back to my daddy but my mommy says that I can't.

I really wanna see Kouta too.

I wonder if he misses me as much as I miss him.

Every night , I look at the pictures of us together and I smile.

I wonder if he does the same.

But I can only wonder, cuz I can't contact him.

My mommy tells me that I'm starting a new life and I have to forget my old one.

I don't understand , but she tells me that I can't right now, but when I'm older I will.

I've asked to go back but she just ignored me.

Maybe if I ask politely over and over again, she'll let me go back.

Goodnight diary, thanks for being the only one that listens."


"Dear Diary , it's my first birthday without Kouta or my daddy.

My mom is also to busy to pay attention to me.

I also got full marks on my report card. My mommy told me that I was bright as always but then returned to her work. She didn't mention my birthday.

I understand though, she has a lot of work to do.

I guess I'll just celebrate my birthday with you."


"Dear Diary

It's been a whole year and I haven't made a single friend.

Why won't anyone talk to me?

Is it because of my hair? Or my clothes? Or maybe it's because I'm intelligent; I'm the smartest in the whole class.

Americans are so weird, only caring about appearances!"


"Dear Diary ,

It's been two years since I started living here.

I still don't make any friends. I'm just gonna stop trying.

Kouta always told me to never give up , but I have no other choice. I hope I can see him again soon. I really miss him. I've already forgotten what he sounds like."


"Dear Diary,

Four whole years.

They've been so boring. Why cant I go back?

I hate it here! It's stupid!

Why won't my mother just do what I ask? She listens to me more now, but not on the topic of going back.

Kouta would probably listen. Speaking of Kouta, I seem to have forgotten his last name.

I really need to write all I remember of him. It just can't go away!

When will I see him again?"


"Dear Diary,

After seven years , I finally got a letter from my dad!

He told me that he misses me and loves me. And that soon we would see each other again.

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