Part 19 (NSFW)

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You'd woken up next to a lightly snoring Forrest, which was always a pleasant way to start the day. He'd pulled you particularly close, the close of summer coming in, the slightest chill in the air at night had you buried in his chest, legs between his as he surrounded you completely. He had healed magnificently, the doctors as always, couldn't believe it. He's told you it was your doing with a kiss to the head multiple times now. He was back to doing chores, his broad shoulders were once again broad, the strength coming back under his skin, the summer sun filling him back with color. The scars were dark but you'd kissed them time and time again until he no longer noticed them when looking in the mirror. He was almost back to his old self, save one thing.

You're changing, your hair in rag rollers and only in your slip when he comes back into the bedroom.

"Mornin'." he says with a lazy smile.

"Mornin' sweetheart." you coo back, tilting your head to receive a kiss on the cheek. He moves his arms around your waist and does just that.

"I got somethin' for ya." he says as he gives you a squeeze and steps back to the bed.

"You got me a present?" you chirp, snapping in your earrings. "You are spoiling your wife rotten lately, Mr. Bondurant." you chuckle, taking the box from his hands. "First that new sleeping gown and now... whatever this is." you almost blush as you think of the lace and silk he'd bought. It'd seemed so forward of him to buy something so suggestive. He'd bought you gowns before, but they were long, some made from warmer, thicker material as well as the smooth and glossy ones. But this one had been shorter and had a deep lacy neckline that made you blush. He said it was because he was going to have you wear it for him one day soon. A reminder and a promise that he still wanted you. But in his typical fashion, he wasn't going to sleep with you again until he knew he could do it right and at full capacity. Forrest never half-assed anything and he sure wasn't about to give you a performance that was lacking that would mark your official joining as husband and wife. He'd taken his role as a husband so close to heart it hurt yours sometimes to see him unhappy about no consummating yet. You'd told him you'd waited a lifetime before and a few months wasn't anything you weren't perfectly capable of handling.

Under his caring gaze, you reveal a lovely dark green dress in the same decorated box they always came in. He knew you liked habing pretty possessions. He'd never cared much about such things, choosing to focus on bare necessities and not the small flourishes that you loved so much about life. But even though he didn't understand your happiness for being dressed up and in lovely fabrics, he knew they made you happy, so he bought them for you when something grabbed his eye. Sometimes it was something that caught his attention, that tightening in his jaw at the thought of what you'd look like in such a thing, something he'd recognize a certain silhouette you wore often. He'd learned so many things about fashion and clothing beyond patching and sewing and keeping warm since being with you. He supposed that the expanding of his knowledge, even if it wasn't with something he found useful often wasn't something to turn his nose up at.

"It's beautiful, Forrest." you coo, wrinkling your nose at him as you held the soft green patterned fabric up against you in the mirror. It nipped at the waist and flowed everywhere else, just as you liked. It had long sleeves and a hem below the knee for the incoming cold.

"Color reminded me of your eyes." he says quietly, watching you sway back and forth, looking thoughtfully at your reflection. You sigh heavily and let the dress weigh in your hands as you turn back to him."You also hadn't bought any winter dresses so..." he nods and clears his throats and shrugs.

"Very thoughtful from you on all counts, handsome." you pat his chest as you praise him. He gives you the signature nod and grunt in response.


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