Part 15

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Forrest was up before you, as usual, he hadn't slept in your room the night before despite the boys being out but he had stayed until you fell asleep. The nights you slept together, although not frequent, were some of the best nights sleep you'd ever had. You'd be exhausted and satisfied, sleeping heavy for the first time in your life as he'd slip out of bed slowly. You never knew but he'd always tuck you in again, kissing your face and pushing back your hair before standing in the doorway and watching you snuggle back into the warm softness he'd left before moving back to his room to hide your relationship should the boys come home early.

Forrest gets up and makes coffee, something he'd started doing for you in the mornings if no one was there. He'd done this every morning after you'd slept together so far. You found it sweet, felt it was a sort of subtle thanks from him with him helping you shake the sleep off and taking one thing off your to-do list for the day.

Although no one but those closest to him could tell, he was sitting with his same heavy brow as he sipped his coffee in the early spring morning happily. The light from the sun was just started to peak over the mountains, he takes in the brisk morning, noticing the leaves starting to return on the trees.
He sees Jack's souped-up car, speeding in from around the curve in the road. By the way he pulls in and hits the breaks too hard he knows something wrong.

"Forrest!" he says breathlessly, stumbling out of the car as he keeps a stern eye on his little brother. "We got a hell of a fuckin' problem, Forrest." he says, hands hitting the top wooden stair as he bends over and catches his breath.

"We?" he asks, sitting down his coffee cup.

"Wh- I...what?" he asks, his face screwing up at the man who seemed too calm for the rushed tone he'd been using.

"What'd you do Jack?" he asks, moving slowly to rise, hands going into his cardigan pockets.

"I didn't do nothin'! Me 'n Junior went on the run just like planned, with Banner, but on the way back to pick up Howard from the stills we got ambushed." he says exasperatedly with wild eyes.

"Mmm Hmm."

"They took my gun and they got a few hits in, I mean I fought back Forrest, I fuckin' did just like you told me to but-" he takes in a deep breath, Forrest's heavy footsteps move slowly across the porch.

"But what?" he says in a deep tone.

"They...they fuckin' took Junior." he says, wincing and waiting for Forrest's retaliation.

"Who did?"

"Rakes men." he says lowering his eyes in shame.

"Mmm Hmm." Forrest jaw goes tight, his heavy brow low and his eyes looking out over the treeline as he sucks his teeth at the news. "Then what?"

"Howard ran back to the stills in the dark, some men followed him but you know Howard he's like a cat in the shadows." he shakes his head, hands wringing his hat in his hands.

"And what'd you do?"

"I got back in the car and left. Came back here as fast as I could." he says meekly.

"And you just left Junior?" he almost growls, nostrils flaring as he huffs out of them like a bull.

"They told me to come get you. That they knew you'd come to get him back cause of..." his eyes dart around in hesitation.

"Go on, say it."

"They said because of that... that we must be sweet on that bitch Barrett since she's been keeping our bed's warm this winter." his brow furrows and he can tell he hates to say it.

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