Chapter 2

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Finally regaining conciousness, you realised you were home. "Was that all a dream?" you mumbled to yourself as you sat up, feeling a bit sore. It couldn't be a dream, you were too sore for it to be a dream. Although your burn was gone, maybe it was? But if it wasn't how did you get home; your mom was never home and you dad had been dead for a few years now. Hell you don't even think your mom cares about you that much anymore, she was more interested in going to interviews and things.

Don't get me wrong, she was an amazing hero but she was more in it for the fame. You stood and walked over to the kitchen to see a note left on the counter.

'Dear (Y/N).
Learn how to control your quirk next time so i don't have to stop what i'm doing to care for you. You are not a child anymore. -mom'

You let out a deep and annoyed sigh. "Couldn't even be worried about me? Thanks ma."

A few weeks has passed and your letter was finally here. You had to have gotten in, hell you killed so many robots. You opened the letter and read through it. "Hell yeah!!"

you yelled and threw your hands up into the air. Not that you didn't doubt you would get in but you were happy nonetheless. The only thing that might be a bit hard will be getting to class since it's such a long drive..I mean you could fly but then risk over using your quirk. You sat deep in thought before a door opening drew you out.

"(Y/n), did you make it?" it was your mother who looked like she just came from an interview or something, hair all done up along with beautiful makeup.

"Yep." you said bluntly. Your mom glared.

"What did I tell you about getting an attidue with me?" you just rolled your eyes at her.

"Mom, would you be able to take me to school everyday?" you asked hopeful that maybe she would be even a little helpful. Your mother just shook her head.

"You know how busy I get." she paused.

"I have a friend who also has a kid who got into the school. Although I talked to her and she said you could live with them but it might be a bit rough at first." you shrugged.

"I'll probably just stay here." your mother looked at you before speaking again.

"There is no argument about this, you will be living with them; you need to become the top hero and make me proud." she said with a big smile giving you two thumbs up.

You took a deep sigh before nodding, part of you wanted to hate your mother but how could you? She was...she was kind to you and raised you, did everything for you. Though after you father died out on the job she became a bit withdrawn.

"Tomorrow when I get home we can go to their house so you can move into their spare room. So make sure you're packed." you nod your head at her words. You knew you would have to be nice. If you didn't, it would upset your mom. Even if her friends family happened to be the worst kind of people you have ever met, you couldn't act like you normally did.

The next day arrived quicker than you wanted it to. You hadn't even started packing yet. You dragged yourself down the stairs to get some boxes. You just wanted to stay here, why did you have to go to her friends house? You packed up your room and put the boxes in your living room near the door. You then waited for your mother, a bit annoyed that she was still making you leave.

Once she arrived she helped you move your boxes to the car. You soon arrived to a house, it was quite nice actually. When you got there your mother told you to come with her and worry about the boxes after you met her friend.

The two of you approach the house and she knocked. A woman answered the door. She had blonde hair and was quite beautiful. "You're finally here!" she smiled and hugged your mother, they seemed to forget about you for a moment.

"Oh, this is my daughter (y/n)!" the woman looked at you and shook your hand.

"Mitsuki Bakugo, Our household can be a bit loud sometimes but I don't think we'll have any problems!" She let go of your hand and looked at your mother.

"I wish I had a daughter, she is just gorgeous!" she paused before looking towards the stairs.

"Oi! Katsuki get your ass down here and help carry boxes!" she yelled loudly just to get a yell back.

"They can just go home! we don't fucking need them here!" Mitsuki glared at her sons response. She walked up the stairs and your mother walked in with you following her. When you walked in you saw a man sitting on the couch.

"Hey Masaru, is it the same as it was the last time I came to visit?" your mother asked with a laugh. The man nods.

"Katsuki is a difficult child. There is always some type of yelling either from his mother or himself." he sighed a bit, he still held a smile. This made you 'aw' in your head that he seemed proud of his wife and son.

"But besides that everything else is good." he smiled with a laugh. After about fifteen minutes of your mother talking to who you assumed to be Mitsuki's husband, Mitsuki walked back down the stairs.

"Katsuki!" she yelled again. After a few moments you could hear footsteps but you decided to ignored them.

"It's you." came a familiar growl from the stairs. You looked up just for your eyes to meet his. It was him! The boy from the entrance exams. You sighed loudly, 'it could of been anyone but it just so happens to be you. Of course.'

"Oh, so you know each other! This will be great!" your mother said seeming a bit excited. You couldn't tell her you two hated each other. You sighed internally before walking out the door to the car to grab a box.

"Katsuki! Go help her!" you heard his mother yell from inside along with yells from the blonde boy. After a few moments the boy joins you. You would much rather he went back to his room.

"Just know if you get in my way I won't hold back." did he mean helping him carry boxes? Or something else? You could care less, you just ignored him and walked back to the house with one box. Of course, he grabbed two big boxes. Once inside, his mother showed you to what would be your room.

"Just let Katsuki get the boxes, he is actually pretty strong and will get it done easily. Heh, he gets it from his mama!" Mitsuki patted her bicep with a grin. You held back a groan. You're strong too, you didn't need his help but you nodded quietly before rejoining your mother. Once Katsuki was done your mother hugged you and told you goodbye, leaving you alone with the Bakugo family.

You noticed really quickly how similar bakugo was to his mother while his dad was calm and composed. You decided to go your room and stay there for the rest of the night since you already ate dinner. Tomorrow is your first day of school and you weren't going to let this dickbag stop you.


Climbing to The Top (Katsuki Bakugo Xreader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang