Two ~ First Chapter

514 17 13

Disclaimer: I don't own the text in bold. Don't you dare delete this, Wattpad. I spend a LOT of time on this.

Edit: Okay, I'm going to have to change things up a bit, because of Article 13 and copyright and stuff. It's going to have the first three words and the last three words of whatever section I've done, and then the characters reacting. Okay? Sorry. Maybe bring the book with you.


After Ron and Hermione had told Dumbledore (in private) of their problem, the older wizard agreed to have the Weasleys, Sirius (as Snuffles) and Remus to come to Hogwarts.

Along with them, since Umbridge had demanded it, came Fudge, Amelia Bones, Mad Eye Moody (who had insisted on bringing Tonks, for some unknown reason) and a few other Ministry operatives - which unfortunately included Percy.

Once they were all sitting and comfortable (Dumbledore transfigured the benches into sofas for them to sit easier), they asked who was going to read first.

"I will, if I may," Dumbledore offered.

Harry nodded from his safe place in Remus' arms, his own arms wrapped around Snuffles.

Dumbledore began.

Chapter One
The Boy Who Lived

"Hey, Harry, it's you!" Ron laughed. Harry rolled his eyes and shoved him.

Mr and Mrs... very much.

"Why would you want to be normal?" a curious first year, pure blooded Ravenclaw asked.

"I don't know," Harry replied honestly. "The Dursleys are strange people."

They were the... ...with such nonsense.

"Oh, whoops, I came and ruined their perfect life," Harry said sarcastically. Sirius let out a bark; most likely laughing at Harry's joke.

Mr Dursley was... ...which made drills.

"That sounds... really boring."

He was a... ....very large moustache.

"Despite the fact that this man doesn't sound very nice so far, you've gotta respect the moustache, dude," a third year Slytherin claimed. Harry snorted.

Mrs Dursley was... ...on the neighbours.

"Oh my god, she's a spy! Call the authorities!" a Muggle-born shouted. Hermione giggled at her joke, along with Harry and some other Muggle-borns.

The Dursleys had...   ...finer boy anywhere.

"There is, and his name is Harry Potter," Ron said proudly. Harry blushed.

The Dursleys had...   ...would discover it.

"Aw, you're scared of feet too? I thought I was the only one," a Hufflepuff said sympathetically.

The scary thing? Nobody could tell if they were joking or not.

They didn't think...   ...about the Potters.

"What's wrong with the Potters?" Remus cried in outrage, Sirius echoing it (but in dog language).

Mrs Potter was... ...possible to be.

"Well, good. I don't think they'd want to be Dursleyish anyway," Harry said, crossing his arms. Hermione and a few Ravenclaws rolled their eyes.

"Harry," Hermione said gently, "Dursleyish isn't a word."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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