The Wounded Monster

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Kage, the red stallion with a white hair that Xander rode upon would run through the forest with a wounded Xander and a dead Sayu on his back. He was covered in blood and his eyes had reverted back to their original design. The memory he reminisced on was the day before the Oda forced attacked his village. They were living in peace, the farmers were tending to the crops, the educators were reaching the children, and Xander was training the militia. He was a master to his peers when it came to combat, and it showed as many other forces had attacked the village, yet it was Xander and the militia he had trained who stood and protected them. As he rode he would begin to contemplate on his actions, he ran away from his home and abandoned everyone when they needed him the most. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he couldn't bear the current pain of failing his village and losing both parents, Kage would continue to ride through the night until he reached another village.

As the moon fell the sun would rise and the skies above would be able to reveal its beautiful blue color, the white clouds that floated gently in the vast blue canvas would have added a great texture to the painting, there truly was nothing better than this scene. Underneath the amazing sky, the red stallion would have walked up to a lake and began to drink from it. Xander would have been unconscious however his body slid off his tall horse and fell into the water, the coldness of the river as his face fell into it would have woken the boy up. Xander's face was full shock and surprise as he leaned back onto his butt, he looked around at the clearing. The trees were calm and the flowing river provided a water source for the man to drink from, and drink he did. Xander would crawl to the river and take a handful of water and lift it up to his lips before taking a drink, the cold water would have been enough to wake the man up and revive his senses. He would take two more drinks before looking up only to sense a girl watching him from the woods, his eyes could see farther, he could hear even the slightest sound of an ant moving or a mouse running across the floor. His senses were heightened, he felt more powerful, he also felt hungry however it was not something he understood for it wasn't food that he hungered for, but the blood that was pumped through the body of living beings. He would look at the girl for a moment as his eyes began to change once more, the man would rise to his feet and look at her, she was a beautiful specimen, skin clear as the day, a gorgeous face of youth and her hair pulled into a ponytail. However she bore the slightest armor and clothing as it revealed her arms and chest a bit more than most clothing, strapped to her right hip was a sword which looked to be crafted of the finest material.

She would notice that his gaze would have been turned to her, as such her heart beat a bit faster however she would not turn away from the man

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She would notice that his gaze would have been turned to her, as such her heart beat a bit faster however she would not turn away from the man. His clothing and body was covered in blood, it had been awhile sense she saw a male of such features, she would stay and watch him. Xander, after watching her for awhile would turn away and focus on his stallion. He would take a brush out from the bags and begin to brush Kage, he would then wet the brush and begin to go at it again, cleaning the horse and then cleaning the brush. Once he was done, the man would sigh as he looked at the bow and the quiver of arrows strapped to the right side of the horse, he had to either find shelter or find some way to create shelter. With this Xander would climb aboard Kage and move through the woods, he was beginning to think about what he should do, he was lost and had no path to walk upon. It was sad, however his mind would replay the last few words that were granted to him by his mother, "live your life". It was these words that caused the boy to grit his teeth and trail off into the woods, once he got to a thick area he would stop and dismount from Kage. One of the many things that he had packed was an axe, the one his father had given to him when he was but 8, to strengthen his core and discipline. The boy would take the axe from the bag and move to a tree, his eyes would look upon this tree and at that moment, at that time he would create the foundation of his resolve. The axe was him and the trees were the raw material of his vision, in order to create it he would need to cut them down and craft them into a reality. Taking the axe up in both hands, Xander would take a strong base stance and swing at the base of the tree. Xander continued to swing and swing and swing until the tree toppled over, Xander would then move to perform the same actions for others trees before cutting them up.

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