Chapter One

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School sucks, boys suck and I suck-ahahaha no. I don't, at least not yet anyway... Ahem.

Why am I so raving mad at the moment? Why do I wish to destroy every living being on this planet?

I'll tell you why.

School. Yes, school. It is the cause of all my problems in life. Yes, my grades are fine, if you call only just passing 'fine'. The teachers are... well... they have their pros and cons. It's the people! (maybe this would make people the cause of my problems instead of school?).

Today, I got punched in the face by a jerkfaced homophobe named Evan because I ran my mouth at him.

...Okay, so maybe he isn't a homophobe. He has a gay brother; nice kid. Anyway, I then got slapped by Evie for running my mouth at Evan (who I swear she likes but noooooo, she's 'asexual'.). And then I got detention for hitting on my English teacher, (A very hot, student teacher, might I add) which then caused me to miss the bus.

So I called Mum who called dad who called Matthew to pick me up.

Mmm... Matthew...




And guess what he did. GUESS WHAT HE DID! I'll tell you what he did; he brought his slut with him!

...Okay so maybe she isn't a slut, but I forgot her name so this is what I'll be calling her for now on (well... maybe not in front of Matty). Slut is all sugar and spice and every time I see her I feel as though I've gained a few cavities because she is just that sweet!

"Adam!" She gushed and actually hopped out of the car and pulled me into this massive arse hug with my face in between her massive fake boobs.

Yeah, okay so I don't think they're fake but who knows in this day and age? And for your opinion DIARY, I am not short; she's just wearing these massive stilettos that would break any normal person's ankle!

Anyway, that hug made me want to go to the dentist.

As I said, sweet.

When she finally let go of me, I hopped into the back of the car and off we went to Disneyland!

…. in my day dream anyway. In reality we were just going home to my nice, cozy, empty house.

"Why were you late anyway, Adam?" Matty asked in his deep, deep wet dream voice...

Oh! He asked a question! I reminded myself before answering, "I got bored and decided to hit on my teacher which landed me a short detention after class which made me miss the bus."

"Well that was stupid, wasn't it?"

Oh Matty, you can call me whatever you want... I thought dreamily until Slut decided to talk.

"Oh don't say that Matty. I would have done the same thing."

Bitch, please. I'm the only one who can call Matty, MATTY!

"Was he hot?"

"Yes, yes he was," I replied.

"I'm not sure how I feel about my girlfriend and nephew gushing over some teacher," Matty said with a frown.

Oh, don't worry Matty. He has nothing on you.

Oh! Would you like a mental image of him, Diary? He's tall, slightly tanned with the most gorgeous tanned arms. I mean... my god. Sometimes I just want to reach out and... oh look, I think I came.

AHEM. Anyway, he had blonde hair and the deepest blue eyes you'd ever see. They were that lovely that they'd most likely drive you insane. He was fucking Adonis and Evie and I spent our spare time having little perv fests; especially in summer... oh dear lord I am hot just thinking about it.

Anyway, after that awful car ride, I was both glad and disappointed that we had arrived home. Disappointed that I could no longer perv on Matty, but glad that I'd be away from Slut.

With a sigh, I thanked Matty, got out of the car and went inside.

Well, now I think I might go to bed and dream of Matty.


The homosexual diary of Adam Lewis (#1) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now