~ chapter 1 ~

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"You're crazy if you think they're to let me in," I scoff, "I look like 12."

"Come on it'll be fine," she replies, "and you have to see this band. They are incredible."

"Um, i'm just going to take that as a compliment." 


Alice links her arm through mine and drags me towards the bar. I'm falling all over the place in these black stilletoes which she picked out for me.

My best friend has style for sure, it's just not my style. I don't think I've left my house in anything but a baggy t-shirt and Mum jeans in months. Occasionally I'll chuck on my favourite black Dr Martens to spice things up but to say I'm out of my comfort zone is an understatement.

The security guard barely looks at us and we are through. The blaring music is ten times as loud as outside and we instantly hit the dance floor. I'm jumping around and actually having a good until I think my feet are going to fall off. I'm definitely not used to these heels.

I take a seat by the bar and order a beer. Not long after, Alice plops down next to me.

"Look there they are! Queen, the band I was talking about," she announces.

The four boys set up and begin to play. All their instruments blend perfectly and the way the lead singer controlls the crowd is like nothing I've seen before. I try to take in the music and just enjoy the electric atmosphere but I can't take my eyes off him.

The way his fingers move expertly on the strings and his cute little dance moves he does as he gets into the groove.

The brown haired, bass player had caught my attention and he isn't giving it back.

To be honest I play a bit of bass as well. Nothing serious but i'm always watching the bassist. This time though, I was admiring them for not just their skill.

His eyes meet mine and he gives me a quick grin before nodding at the lead singer as he comes up next to him. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks but I still don't glance away as I would usually do when someone caught me staring. There's just something about him.

"What did I say! Incredible right?" Alice practically screams over the big drum finish of their last song.

"Better than incredible," I tell her but my attention is clearly still on the band.

"You gonna talk to him?"


"Jeez Beth, don't play dumb. You've been eyeing the bass player all night," she teases, "He's coming over. Good luck"

Oh god, I'll need it, I think has she disappears onto the dance floor.

"This seat taken?" He asks shyly, slurring his words slightly. His accent is so unique, like music to me ears. He's only said three words and I already can't get enough.

I shake my head and he slides into the spot next to me. 

He nods at my empty beer and offers to get me something.

"Just a gin and tonic, thanks."

"Good choice," he turns to the barmen and orders two, "I saw you watching us." 

"Yeah," I laugh, "You guys seriously rocked up there."

"Yeah? I guess we were alright."

"Come on, you're gonna be stars. I'm telling you now"

you and i - john deaconWhere stories live. Discover now