chapter two

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I stare up at the ominus grey building before me. Sery CORP. I wasn't expecting them to want me in so soon. Just earlier this morning I called and some guy, named Mr. Baillie, gave me an over the phone interview and requested I come in at one for an actual face to face meeting. It caught me off guard and thankfully I had the day off at the diner where I work.

With every ounce of courage I have, I swallow the lump in my throat and force my legs to carry me through the front doors and up the the chunky old lady at the front desk.

"Um- H-Hi, I have an appointment with a-"

"Yes I know. You're Liem Harper, correct?" She asks, glaring at me through her thick rimmed black glasses.

"Ah- Yes! Yes I am."

She looks me over and clicks her tongue with a heavy eye roll. "Alright, leave personal items in that tub and go on up."

I nod; fishing my phone, and keys out of my pocket and place them into the little plastic bucket, no way in hell I'm leaving my wallet with this woman.on her desk before getting into the elevator to ride it all the way to the twentieth and final floor. The ride up is absolutely nerve wrecking, I can practically feel my stomach doing literal flips. Thank God I skipped lunch. About halfway up the doors open up to reveal a guy about my hight with obviously bleached hair who stepped in next to me. He isn't fat, no way anyone would describe him as skinny; he smiled and nodded his head at me, his hands too full with files to offer a handshake. His presence seeming to calm me slightly.

"What floor?" I ask, ready to hit the button for him.

"Top, please!" He smiles.

"Oh!" I drop my hand back at my side. "We're going to the same place then."

Suddenly his brown eyes light up and his smile widens. "You wouldn't happen to be Liem Harper, would you?"

I nod hesitantly. How did this guy know my name?

"I'm Matt Baillie, I'm the one that spoke on the phone with this morning."

I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "What are the odds we'd meet in the elevator?"

"'In the elevator', next to nothing. However there's no way you'd miss me once you got up there. You'd have to pass me to get to the boss." He laughs.

"Wait, I thought I was meeting with you today."

"Nope. Sorry, you were, but after the boss heard your name he cleared his schedule and insisted he perform the interview himself."

And I'm nervous again, most people can go their entire career without meeting the actual employer, and yet here I am with my incredible luck; meeting the head man before I'm even actually working for him! Why did he insist on meeting me? I'm no one special, and I don't have any family in the company that I know of. Hell, I'm certain of it! I never met any relatives aside from Cassie, and last I  heard, my parents were still somewhere in Paris, or was it Belgium? What ever, my point stands. He should have absolutely zero interest in a pathetic little no body like me.

I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I almost miss my chance to get off the elevator with Mr. Baillie. Honestly if he hadn't caught my attention as he passes I just might've. Quickly I follow him into the spacious room, a window wall to my right and plush couch to my left with a single oak desk directly in front of us with large black double doors behind it.

Mr. Baillie takes a seat at the desk and smiles at me, "Well, go ahead."

Hesitating a little, I reach for the door and take one last breath.

Here I go, I pray I don't drown.

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