Chapter 3 Lost

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   Me, Tom, and Edi continue to walk around the rainbow forest, not sure what we where looking for but just wanting to look around and hope that we find something. Tom and Edi where talking about there own ideas on how the disaperances had began but i dident listen, so i just followed them and got lost in my thoughts.

   While i was thinking i couldent help but think back on what Talent had said about me when i was 3, i had heard it only by eavesdropping when i wasent supposed to...


   I peaked around the corner my heart pounding ferociously in my chest, i had never had to hide from an adult before nor had any reason to be scared of them...but here i was hiding from my own parents and the 'leader' of the rainbows.

   "He is not a weapon he is a steve like you and me!" I could hear my dad yelling at someone. I leaned further untill i could see my dad, my mom, and Talent. My mom and dad seamed very angry. 

   "Im not saying that hes not a steve but we all know that he is more powerfull than the rest of us," Talent said calmly.

   "SO THAT GIVES YOU A RIGHT TO JUST LOCK HIM UP!?!? HES MY SON!" My mom shouts angerly at Talent. 

   "I am aware that he is your son, i am also aware of the dangers that he could pose in the future" Talent says.

   "You are not the elders Talent, you may call your self the 'leader' of us but you are not the boss of us" dad says obviously annoyed at Talent.

   "And you talk about this like you would if it was a wild animal! WE ARE TALKING ABOUT MY SON HERE!" Mom yells angerly.

   "You both know that his powers are much stronger that ours im just saying tha-" Talent starts but is cut off by my mom as she slps him across the face.

   "I DONT CARE! HE IS MY SON AND I AM NOT GOING TO LOCK HIM UP LIKE A SAVAGE BEAST!!!" she screams at him. I cover my ears trying to block out her yelling but i couldn't. 

   Talent argues with mom and dad for a while and i can do nothing but stay there and listen to all of the horrible thans that might happen to me if im aloud to stay 'free' as Talent says and all of the things that he might do to me if hes aloud to do what ever he wants with me.

   I stay there untill i cant handel it anymore, i sink to the ground and  start crying buring my face in my arms untill i eventually get up and go into the sitting room of the town hall and wait for my parents to come back to get me and take me home.

~end of flash back~

   As the memory fades back into the depth of my mind i realized that if was getting darker, i look around and feel my heart skip a beat.

   "Umm g-guys?" I studder but Tom and Edi are still walking and talking quietly to eachother not even paying attention to anything around us. So i try again but i bit louder but not to loud, "guys?"

   Tom looks back at me, "Prism did you see something?"

   I nod slowly.

   "What is it then?" Edi asks looking at me to.

   "Ummm...look around..." i tell them not even trying to cover the terror in my voice.

   "What do you" Tom saids slowly as he and Edi look all around them, "Wh-where w-we?"

   "I-i dont know...i have never been here..." Edi tells us. Well great...were lost...

   As we look around i take in our surroundings, the trees which, where usually rainbow colored, where black and the smell of burned wood filled my nose but i was too scared to do anything.

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