{•Chapter Ten•}

Start from the beginning

The couple ran around the human tank and ran back inside. With the helicopter gone, the hallway was no longer blocked. While running, Gwen glanced back to see the man rushing towards them. "Definitely looks like Thanos in a noir-ish sense..."

"Really, Gwen?" Leon panted as they entered the waiting room. "Now's not the time to compare something chasing us to a comic book villain."

"You gotta admit, he kinda does look like Thanos," Gwen giggled as they ran through the main hall and to the library.

Leon eyes the man that was following them once he emerged from the waiting room. Giving another good look, he turned his head back around and opened the door to the library. "Yeah, he kinda does."

The duo though about running further, but both individuals were out of breath. They could hear the thundering footsteps, signaling the brute was closing in on the library. "Hide behind the bookshelves," Gwen whispered. They hid behind the shelves in the middle of the room, praying the titan would choose to go through the door and not up the ladder.

The door flew open with a loud bang, the only sign they needed to know the brute was entering the library. Gwen covered her mouth, eyes wide with fear as she heard him stomping around only a few feet away from them. Leon pressed his body against the bookshelves as he slowly crept to peer around the towering shelves. He saw the large man stopped in his tracks and searching around the room. Leon quickly ducked his head back behind the bookshelves when the adversary's gaze looked in his direction.

As the man stomped around the room in search of Leon and Gwen, the couple were able to dodge his line of sight by dancing around the bookshelves. Eventually, the brute left through the door leading to the lounge. The duo didn't move until they heard his roaring footsteps in the distance. Gwen uncovered her mouth, sighing in relief. "I thought he was gonna be in here all day."

"We can't stay here. We need to keep moving. I seriously doubt he won't just leave," Leon stated.

"Maybe we should go back the way we came. If he's patrolling the west side, the east side of the station is tank-free!"

Leon agreed with Gwen and left the library, passed through the main hall, and entered the waiting room. The booming footsteps were gone, symboling the man was still patrolling the west side of the station. The two were able to stop and catch their breath while thinking of where they haven't explored. Leon sat on the couch while Gwen paced back and forth in front of him. "We've been to the roof, the storage room, the balcony... Oh!" The archivist gasped in realization. "We haven't been to the interrogation or observation room!"

"How do we get to those rooms?" Leon asked, climbing off the couch.

"The stairwell by the chief's office! Instead of going up, we need to go down."

Leon knew where to go and led the way. They stormed past the art room and down the hall. Reaching the stairwell, they descended to the first floor. Immediately as they turned the corner, a window shattered. A zombie in a police uniform toppled through the broken window and flopped onto the floor. Leon didn't waste a second and rushed over to the monster. He slammed his heavy boot into the creature's head, smashing it with one stomp.

Gwen was in awe at Leon's sudden tactic change. "That was pretty impressive, Leon. Didn't feel like sparing a few bullets?"

"Thought it'd be easier and save a few bullets if I stomped its head in."

"What if it didn't work?" Gwen pondered, smirking slightly.

"I... didn't even think of that possibility."

The archivist's smirk grew. "Of course, you didn't. At least you're honest." After giggling, she searched around for something to seal the window and found some boards. Once it was boarded up, the duo wandered to the two rooms at the end of the hall. One door bore a red heart and the other-a green club. Gwen searched her pocket for the key she found in the boiler room and pulled it out. She unlocked the club door and pushed it open. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she spotted the dead officer's body curled against the shelves by the door.

Leon followed Gwen inside the room and found a jewelry box with an ornate design and two red gems on the lid. In the center was an alcove, seeming as if something could fit. An idea came to mind and he glanced at the archivist. "That red jewel we found-do you think it fits this jewelry box?"

Gwen turned around and examined the blue box in Leon's hand. She ran her fingers over the lid as she grabbed the red jewel from her pocket. Placing the gem in the slot, it clicked into place and the lid opened. Gwen's eyes narrowed in confusion as she took what was in the jewelry box. "A badge?"

Leon closed the jewelry box and placed it on the table. "Why would a badge be locked in a jewelry box?"

Gwen turned the S.T.A.R.S. badge over and saw something on the back. She pushed up on it and something popped out the top. "Is this...?"

"A USB drive?" Leon finished her question.

"Wonder what's on it?" The woman pondered.

"There's a computer in the S.T.A.R.S. office. It's connected to the armory," the officer said.

"And that's on the other side of the station where you-know-who is currently stomping around," Gwen sighed.

Leon didn't like the idea of going to the west side, but they had no other choice. "We'll have to be careful."

Gwen clipped the badge to the belt around her shorts with a frown. "I can't wait for all this to be over."


The moment Leon and Gwen entered the library, they heard the sound of a door flying open. The couple looked up to see the brute barge in from the storage room above and stomp towards the ladder. "Shit, we've gotta run!" Leon shouted.

The adversary jumped from the top of the ladder, shaking the floor as he landed. Leon and Gwen ran through the lounge and down the hall to the S.T.A.R.S. office. They entered the room and closed the door behind them, hoping the titan didn't spot them and would pass by the office without barging through the door.

Leon and Gwen walked over to the computer located outside the armory. The archivist unclipped the badge from her shorts and plugged the USB drive into the system unit. Typing away on the computer, she was able to open the armory. "Got it." The officer entered the armory and grabbed what he could.

While waiting for Leon, Gwen stood in front of the computer. When she went to take the badge back, a file appeared on the screen. She raised a brow in curiosity and clicked on the file. Inside, there was a single video labeled "Irons and Griffyn." Seeing the name that has haunted the archivist for years, she swallowed nervously as she played the video.

There was no audio and only showed Chief Irons and Dr. Griffyn standing in the hallway in front of the chief's office. By their body language, Gwen knew they were arguing. Unconsciously, she gripped the mouse tightly and felt the plastic strain under her fingers as her eyes remained glue to the screen.


Hearing Leon's voice, she quickly exited the video and pulled out the USB drive, placing it on the desk. "What'd you find?"

"A magnum. Not a lot of ammo, though," he said, showing her the powerful handgun.

"Good. At least this wasn't for nothing. But, where do we go from here?" Gwen wondered.

"I remember passing a door with a club on it earlier. It was on the first floor."

"Alright, then. We better-"

The heavy footsteps returned, silencing Gwen. They knew it was coming from the hallway and decided to wait it out in the office. When the footsteps stopped in front of the office door, Leon grabbed Gwen and headed into the corner office. They pushed aside the chair and dove behind the desk.

Suddenly, the door to the S.T.A.R.S. office sprang open with a loud bang.

(A/n: I know Mr. X can't enter the S.T.A.R.S. office, but I wanted to spice up this story a bit😉)

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