2. chapter

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The bus ride was really exhausting. Like always. You ask why? Well , some other people on the bus decided to blast some old country music , that got an everyone's nerves.

„Omg those dumb f*cks. Next time I'm gonna beat the shit ou——„.        „Wooahh chill Laura. Or do I have to call your boyfriend to calm you down?" Alina asked grinning.

Leonie and you started laughing as Laura replied with

„Shut up or I'm gonna .. I'm gon—„

„You what?"

„I'm.. ahh stop it's not funny."

„Aww is this little bee sad?"  said Leonie grinning.

That's an insider all of you had. One day , Laura wore a yellow and black striped shirt and since then you all call her bee. Let's just say she really doesn't like it. Well Leonie likes to pick on her anyways. These two, maaan. They're a handful .


„Omg not this again , it's way to early to go trough another conversation like this." Alina said to which you could only agree.

„Ok, ok I'll stop. Sorry Bee."

„Oh get ready Leonie , BECAUSE IM GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU." Laura screamed pretty loud , to which you could only hear a really calm Leonie say:

„ I wanna see you try whit these short legs of yours."

Laura stoped walking . She just looked at Leonie. Then she started running at her, screaming a few bad words.

You and Alina on the other hand just walked next to each other , as you two watched Laura running behind Leonie. Well, she couldn't really keep up with her so she started to slow down, then completely stoped walking to catch her breath. Leonie on the other hand stood next to her , watching her , trying to hide her smile.

You all started walking together again, after you made sure Laura was ok.

„Man , you're really out of shape." you said .

„Well sorry but McDonald's doesn't sell diet food." she answered.

„Even if they did, you wouldn't buy it." countered Alina.

„Yeah probably not. Well I don't care. When do I need to run anyways."

„Sorry to tell you, but you're really stupid."

„ F*ck off."

„God , y'all are so immature." you said.

„I'm the youngest. I'm allowed to be immature." Laura countered.

„Wow and you're the one with a boyfriend. Well he's probably as stupid as you bee." Leonie said.

„Can you all stop, I'm getting a headache from this." Alina said sternly.

„Sorry" they said in unison.


When you all arrived at school you saw so many students rushing around, greeting their friends and laughing together.

„I didn't miss that at all." Leonie said.

You could only agree to that.

The first bell rung, signaling that the first period is going to start in 5 minutes.

Uuuughhhh no

„Well me and Leonie have to go now, or else Mrs. Anderson is gonna flip out again like last year." Alina said dragging Leonie with her.
„See you at lunch!" they yelled , then turning around the corner.

rainy days  | a doyoung fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora