fancy meeting you here

Start from the beginning

"El, where are you going?" her dad asked sighing.

"I'm leaving. This place sucks and I don't want to be here anymore," she huffed, her mind completely set on leaving as soon as possible.

"Just let her leave, dad! She doesn't even wanna be here! We were having such a good day and you ruined it!" Sara slammed the bedroom door shut, her outburst surprising El.

It was silent for a moment, neither El or her dad knew what to say.

El sat down on the couch, pulling her knees up to her chest. She really just wanted to go home and get away from this place. If her mom had just let her stay home, none of this would have happened.

But if you had stayed home, you wouldn't have met-" She stopped her brain from completing such a silly thought.

"You don't have to leave," Jim told her sincerely, as he sat down on the couch beside her.

She pulled her knees even closer, resting her chin on them.

"I didn't steal anything dad. I've done it before, back home, but not here. I wouldn't do that."

El didn't know why she told him that. It would probably just make him want to not believe her even more.

"Okay, I believe you."

El immediately looked to her dad, needing to make sure that she had heard him right.

"You believe me?"

"Yeah, I do. If you say you didn't do it, then I believe you, El. And when they get that security footage back, they'll believe you too and everything will be okay." He placed a hand on one of her knees, assuring her that it would all be okay. El didn't know what to say. Her dad believed her? She didn't expect this.

"So are you still leaving? Because I'd really love it if you stayed."

El smiled at her dad, thankful that he wasn't assuming the worst in her, when he had every reason to.

"No, I'm not leaving. I don't even think I could if I wanted to... I have no car."

They both started laughing, rather loudly, which brought a confused Sara out of the bedroom. She got over her little tantrum once she found out everything was okay and jumped up on the small couch between them.

"Since nobody is going anywhere anytime soon, let's watch a movie!!" Sara excitedly suggested.

So they did. El, Sara and Jim all piled on the couch, sharing a big bowl of popcorn, as they watched the movie Sara had picked out.

A few hours later, the police station called, letting El know the footage showed that she didn't take the bracelets. They asked if she had known the name of the other girl, but she couldn't bring herself to rat Max out. She could have easily given the police her name, but it didn't feel right. Max wasn't aware of how disgusting Troy was so of course she would believe him over El, someone she just met.

She just wished Max would've done something a little less serious like slap her or something, but what's done is done. Maybe she'll run into her again and she can try to convince her that she really isn't interested in Troy.

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