Chapter 1: I Go To Spy School

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*Cleo's POV*

When I was younger I never stayed in one house for longer than a month, so my dad taught me to always be able to fit all of my belongings in a small suitcase. We never stayed in one house for longer than a month because my dad was a highly trained and wanted spy and assassin. You might have heard of him before. His name is Joseph Solomon, and my name is Cleopatra Hildegard Abigail Demi Townsend-Goode-Solomon, it's a bit of a mouthful of a name so most of the times I just introduce myself as Cleo Solomon. I have never known my actual mother and father and my dad (Joe) says that I never will. Dad always tells me to never let out that I'm adopted.

My dad trained me as an assassin, but I use the spy techniques as well as assassin techniques to kill. This year my dad decided that he was going to accept a job at his old school, Blackthorne Institute for Boys. It's where he first learned how to be an assassin. My dad says that he got the headmaster to bend the rules a little bit and I'm allowed to attend the school for one semester, but if I don't prove that I'm ready for my dads kind style of life then I'll be kicked out and given in to the CIA or the MI6 and they will be free to do whatever they please with me. So in other words I pass the test or I die, just like out on the field. The headmaster doesn't know a thing about me except that I'm Joe Solomon, a living legend's daughter. The school doesn't even know that he's my adoptive father, they think he's my father by blood. But I know better and so does dad, so we are using the school's ignorance to our advantage, We are using it as our cover.

As we pull up to the school's gates I can hear the electricit charging the fence even though I don't see it. When we drive through the gates I look to my dad and see him staring at the mansion longingly. Then I tell him "It's not polite to stare", and he just chuckles softly and turns his head and looks at me. After a few minutes he says in French "because of our cover they're expecting great things form you Cleo, and it's got to stay that way, okay", and I turn and and nod at him then reply fluently in Greek (my favourite lanuage other than English) "of course dad".

-----------------^time skip to the welcome back dinner^----------------------

I was sitting at a small table in the back corner of the hall eating my dinner quietly not saying a word but of course naturally I knew what everyone was saying, even though Joe wasn't blood father he had told me that both my parents had been spies and one had turned to being an assassin after a little while. So knowing everything was a sixth sense to me. It was in my blood. After observing everyone in the hall I looked towards the teacher and professor's table, but my dad wasn't sitting there. I wasn't worried though he would arrive when it suited him. Then five seconds later the heavy wooden doors at the end of the hall opened and my dad strode in with his head held high looking right at the headmaster. The headmaster stood up and walked over to the podium and said "this is our new Cove Ops teacher, Mr. Solomon".

Without missing a beat Joe walked up onto the stage and said "how many new students are there at Blackthorne this year?" and the whole school replied "40", no one had noticed me yet, then my dad said "incorrect" and went and sat down at his spot on the teachers table. When dinner had ended my dad stood up and walked to the podium again and once more asked "how many new students are there at Blackthorne this year?", but this time in Greek. The school didn't reply this time, but I did and I said "41", in Arabic, even though I didn't want to put myself in the spotlight. The whole school turned and looked at me and I said to the all the boys looking at me "notice things" in Greek, and then I turned sharply on my heel and strode out the hall just like my dad had walked in, except this time my hair was billowing out wards.

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