Part 1

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My name is Alexis Angel, and this is my story, the story of an average sixteen year old girl with an average life, I'm a senior in a new highschool in New York, with an extremely overprotective dad and an older brother. My parents are divorced and my father got custody of me. I loved my dad with all my heart and I understood that he was only trying to keep me safe. You see when I was two my parents divorced because my dad found out my mom was cheating on him with another man. He told me he was only protecting me from being hurt the way he was. My dad never remarried but that's not unusual. Today is my first day of my senior year at a completely new school, I've never had any trouble making friends and I wasn't worried about my classes either, I've never failed a single class I was always the smartest in my classes, the one everyone went to for help with stuff so I didn't find it strange when the "hottest" girl in my class Jessica asked to come over to my house to help her study for a Chemistry test we had the next day, I told her I would have to ask my dad when he agreed she came over and we studied, but we also talked, and got to know each other. I was shocked to say the least when she asked if I wanted to be friends with her. Of course I agreed and we hung out that weekend I met new people including a guy, he was the line-backer on the school's football team his name was Johnathan Love, Johnny for short, I got his number and for the next few weeks we talked non stop. I had never felt this way about a guy before, I was so happy every time we talked and when we hung out at school it was like heaven. So fast forward to now, a few months before school would be ending, and I find myself falling in love with him, the time we spent together was fantastic, I never wanted it to end so when he asked me to go to Prom with him I was shocked and ecstatic, but I knew my dad would never let me. Even though prom wasn't for another few weeks I asked my dad if it would be ok to go to prom with Johnny, just like I thought he would, he said no. I was furious, was he really gonna ruin my one and only prom by not letting me go to it, I yelled at him and said some hurtful things. The next day I was late getting up for school so I had to rush to get my stuff together. My dad yelled at me to hurry or I'd be late. On my way out the door to head to school my dad called to me "I love you baby girl", in return I yelled back "I HATE YOU", and left. That day was very stressful, when my dad was on his way to work a man on the street noticed that he was waking kind of funny, when the man stopped him to ask if he was ok my father collapsed onto the concrete. The man called the paramedics, where he rode with him to the hospital. That was when I was called to the front office in the middle of an Algebra test, honestly I didn't mind I didnt wanna be at School anyways. When I saw a man I didn't recognize I was confused. The told me that he was here to take me to the hospital, and that it was about my father. I was horrified when he told me what happened, I started crying when I thought about the hurtful things I had said to him, the words "I HATE YOU" echoed through my head, like a haunting ghosts song. I couldn't believe I had been so awful to the only man who raised me my entire life. I was disgusted with myself. When we arrived at the hospital I asked where my dad was, they told me and I ran to him, he was awake for now, all I could do was hug him and tell him how sorry I was for being so awful, and tell him how much I love him. When the doctor came in with the test results we were all terrified when he said my dad had an aggressive tumor on his brain that had been there for 5 years now, but was still small enough not to cause damage, and just big enough to remove, but we were relieved when he said they could remove it with no complications, but it would take a few days before he would completely recover, and all my dad had to do was sign a few consent forms, he also had the choice to sign DNR (do not resuscitate) papers, he refused to sign the DNR papers, I was relieved he didn't. When my dad was done signing the consent forms the doctor told us surgeon would be in to take my dad to an OR (operating room) and sure enough about twenty-thirty minutes later there was a man escorting us out of the room so he could take my dad. I was so scared, I told Johnny all that I knew, and within fifteen minutes he was right by my side comforting me as I cried. He told me everything will be okay, and that no matter what he knew my dad would always be there for me, and he would never leave his little angel. I knew he was right but all the worst scenarios ran through my mind, I just couldn't stop crying. When the nurse told us we could go home Johnny drove me home and stayed the night with me, he cooked us dinner and we watched a movie to distract me from everything, when we went to bed I slept in my bed, I offered that he could sleep in bed, but he declined and slept in the guest bedroom, I respected that. When I woke up the next morning I went into the guest bedroom and didn't see him in there I started to tear up when a blind fold came over my face, I was surprised to say the least when he whispered "guess who" I laughed. He led me downstairs and took off the blindfold, I was so happy when I saw the amazing looking breakfast, there was; eggs, bacon, chocolate chip pancakes (my favorite), coffee, and my dad, my dad was there too Johnny told me he left to pick him up from the hospital, I was in tears I couldn't believe he had done that for me, I ran to my dad and hugged him tight, then hugged Johnny for all of it. My dad and I had a conversation, and he decided he could see that Johnny was a good guy and said I could go to prom with him, that weekend was the best weekend ever my dad and I got to meet his mom, she was the nicest woman I have ever met. The week before homecoming when Johnny came to school, I was hanging out with Jessica and a few other girls when he came up behind me with a gigantic mum. I was surprised with how big it was, when friday came I was nervous and excited I had the perfect dress and when Johnny showed up with a limo, I was in awe I couldn't believe he did that for me. My dad took pictures and we left to the dance. When we arrived at the school it was full of teenagers dancing and having fun, so we joined them we danced and talked for hours just having fun. When the dance was over Johnny took me home, my dad invited him to dinner, he agreed and we ate, told jokes, and had a really good time together. I never wanted the night to end, but unfortunately I knew it would, but I was so happy in the time I had right now. But little did we know that even though the doctor said the tumor in my dads brain had been removed with no complications, we were unaware of the actual damage it had done...

My Forbidden Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें