"Staring at your boyfriend, Scorpion King?" A Slytherin boy walked past the two, sneering at the lovesick teen. The so-called 'Scorpion King' turned maroon and rubbed his neck, grinning sheepishly when he noticed Albus laughing at the comment. This wasn't the first time that someone had commented about Scorpius' loving stares, Albus knew his friend 'didn't like' him.

"The amount of effort they go to trying to hurt us is honestly quite sad, don't you think?" Scorpius nodded at his friend. Those words seemed like the wisest thing ever said, purely because they came from Albus. Then again, Scorpius worshipped the ground the youngest Potter son walked on, so he knew they probably weren't too magical.

Scorpius knew his love for Albus was unhealthy. He was too scared to lose Albus, too scared to disappoint him, even too scared to share his feelings. He didn't think he could live without Albus, despite spending the majority of the time pushing the brunet away.

Scorpius had hated his life without the Potter, they'd been the loneliest months of his life. Nobody else could light up his world the same.

"Oi, Brother, coming to watch the better Potter train for Quidditch?"James announced as he effortlessly slid into the duo's conversation, barely acknowledging Scorpius in his desperation to talk to his sibling. "Also, I need to rant to you."

Albus glanced at Scorpius for a response. They were both dying to spend time with the other, but neither knew that. The raven-haired Slytherin knew if his brother needed him, he should be the first person to help. With an encouraging smile, Scorpius pushed Albus towards his elder brother.

"I need to do my homework anyway, why don't you come to find me when you're done? I'll be in the library." Scorpius smiled, Albus grinned and bounced out of the hall with his brother.

James and Albus were different in almost every way. The only thing they had in common was the wild mop of black hair they both had on their heads. They'd grown closer over the summer holidays, they were almost inseparable now. James went to his brother with everything and Albus returned the favour. The Slytherin knew his brother like the back of his hand, all of his secrets resided in James Potter. Although neither had excellent advice, they sure tried to be there for one another.

Scorpius was secretly resentful of that, nobody ever seemed to put him first. His father put his job before anything and Albus had his brother. He knew that he would always mean a lot to Albus... he just had to accept coming second best. Deep down, that knowledge tore Scorpius to shreds but he didn't say anything.

If Albus was happy, he sure as hell could try to be.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

When Albus sauntered into the library that night with a huge smile on his face, all of Scorpius' bitterness faded away. He appreciated that James could always make his little brother laugh, even if it was only for a moment. Albus' grin could always cheer Scorpius up, it warmed him from inside out.

The Malfoy had been occupying the same seat in the library since he'd arrived earlier that evening. His mind had been set on finishing his potions essay, which caused him to pour over the old textbooks he found among the shelves. He practically lived in the library, it was Scorpius' favourite place. He loved the warm crackling of the fire as he devoured the text on the pages, but he missed the familiar lashing of rain on the windows that you could hear the majority of the year — Scottish winters aren't very rainy.

"How was training?" Scorpius smiled at his friend when the boy sat down, resisting the urge to throw his arms around his brunet best friend. He wondered why he had a sudden urge for affection from his crush but assumed it was just because he hadn't hugged anyone in a good few weeks.

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