"Oh shit, I forgot, no, don't clean my mess, I can do it when I get back." I shake my head,

"Don't worry about it, I'll need something to do while I wait. Gotta stay busy if you know what I mean." It was meant as a joke, but I knew it didn't sit well with Andrew, and if I hadn't pushed him out the door he wouldn't have ever left.

I spend the afternoon cleaning and watching Desperate Housewives, and before I knew it nine o'clock had rolled around. I check myself in the mirror, running my fingers through my hair, straightening it out just a bit. "That's as good as it's going to get." It's not like I had anyone to impress, anyway. I load the beers into my car and leave for Ricky's.

"Garrett! Good to see you man, how long has it been? Since Thanksgiving? How are you? How are things? How's Andrew?" Caleb embraces me warmly, like he always did, his smile filling his face like usual. I can't help but smile back, his smile was infectious.

"Caleb! Hey, yeah, it's been a while, I've been traveling, seeing some family here and there. Things are good, and Andrew's good, yeah he's great!"

"What's this?" He points to the case of beer in my hands, he sighs, "did Ricky force you to bring alcohol again? That boy is so cheap! I BOUGHT A CASE OF BEER RICKY, IT'S IN THE FRIDGE." He shouts, taking the beer from my hands.

"No, no, I just, I wanted to get it out of the house, I wasn't drinking it." I lie, I'd bought that case a couple of days ago and it was already halfway gone.

"Giving to charity, I see." Caleb nudges me and I shrug my shoulders.

"I do what I can." I joke, following him into the kitchen.

"So, is Andrew coming? Or is he too busy making another movie?"

"I don't know, he wanted to, but he's at Shane's working, so we'll see."

"Well, I'm glad you're here! Do you want a drink? We have whiskey, that's your poison, right? Here, I'll make you one."

"No, no, I'm good actually. I don't think I'm going to drink tonight." I can't believe I'm saying this, but I know it's what Andrew would want.

"Garrett Watts turning down a drink?" Caleb gasps and Ricky walks in from the living room.

"Garrett! Glad you could make it! Drink?"

"He's not drinking tonight." Ricky makes a face and Caleb nods his head, "I know right? It's weird, Garrett not drinking? That's like Caleb not jumping in the pool every time he gets wasted!"

"It's not a big deal, I'm just not in the drinking mood." Caleb grins cynically.

"Well, we can change that."

I was in the best sense of the word, miserable. I watch as my friends drink around me, going to this party had been a bad idea and I should've stayed home. I watch as Caleb dances around, waving his cup in the air. He looked like he was having so much fun, I definitely envied him. I look at the time, only an hour had passed, and I knew Andrew wouldn't be finished until at least one or two in the morning. Maybe one drink, yeah, one drink wouldn't hurt. I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself a drink, trying not to imagine what Andrew would say or think.

"Guys!! The king has entered!!!" I turn my head as Caleb jumps from the sofa to the rug, slipping instantly, hitting his head on the ground. "Shit," he mutters, sitting up slowly, pressing his hand to the back of his head. I shake my head at the sight, pouring another drink.

It's like I couldn't stop, and before I know it I'm drunk off my ass, sitting on the couch, laughing at something Ricky had said. Caleb sits beside me, cracking joke after joke, he was just as drunk as I was, and I wonder who'd pass out first.

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