Hydra's plans.

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Hoping what happened the night before was all just a bad dream, I woke up, surrounded my gloomy walls that seemed to be closing in. I sat up on the cot and curled myself up into a ball. I suddenly feel something strange in my head, it feels like my brain is pulsating, "You're just being paranoid, nothing is happening." I say to myself. Then the heavy door swings open with a boom, making my ears ring, an evil looking man walks in, he is talking to someone but I can't tell what he is saying. He stops talking and looks directly at me. "Well well, if it isn't subject 666" he growls in a low voice.

'This little beauty is going to have some thing special going on' I hear in my head, like an echo, the man speaks again, making me jump. "Follow me you little brat!" He yells, grabbing my wrist. I yelp in pain, hoping to make him let go, 'this little bitch still feels pain, gonna have to try harder' I hear, in the echoey voice, then I realised... it's the man's thoughts.

We walk into the same small room as yesterday, he straps me down but doesn't turn on the machine, he just leaves. As I'm left alone in the room I look around from where I was sat, blueprints, notes, and a large poster labelled: PLANS!

I squint to see the poster better and notice it says:


> Keep subject 666 here or in her room.

> Don't make eye contact with subject 666.

> If subject 666 shows signs of new powers such as: telekinesis, mind reading, super strength. Discontinue the tests, we don't want her to be too strong.

> If subject 666's eyes begin to change colour with her feelings, kill her, it's gone too far.

As soon as I'd finished reading the poster, the man walked in with two more scientists, "Lets begin the tests." A young female said, she flipped the switch and everything went black.

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