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   Next morning I woke up. My hair was all in my face and I was sweating. UHHHGG!!! Must have been a nightmare again. One about the boy, a normal boy, he always appeared in my dreams. This dream wasn't normal though, this time he had a knife and was holding it to his mouth while looking in a mirror. It was so creepy.

   I went down stairs to get some breakfast. I WAS STARVING.

" Sweety did you meet the new nieghbors yet." My mom yeld coming downstairs.

"No.. wait what nieghbors" I said confused.

"Our new neighbors, they just moved in across the street"

" I didn't know that we had got nieghbors when did they move in"

"Well you should bring them this cake."

  I stared down at a cake that said welcome to Kingston neighborhood.

"Ok I will." I sighed.

  I went upstairs to slip on some cloths on. Which I really just slipped on some sweats and a tank top with tennis shoes. I went downstairs to grab the cake and then I went outside. I stared at the house and that is when I notticed looking out the window was a boy half way in the curtains half out. He was just standing there be watching me. Talk about creepy.

   I walked slowly up to the door and  knocked. Someone came to the door and it was a lady with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was beautiful and had a sweet voice.

" come in, come in sweety." She said sweetly.

"Umm thank you" I answered

I went into the house and set down the cake.

" Jeffrey come down here " she yeld.

Then I saw the boy that stared at me though the window come down stairs. His head was down and he was looking at the floor.

"Howwa bout you two get to know eachother." She said kindly.

"Ok" I answered.

  His mother walked away and we stood there akwardly.

" hi my name is Lizzie and yours is??" I asked tying to break the silence.

"My names Jeffrey but call me jeff." He said shyly looking upmthrough his shaggy blonde hair.

"Well Jeff you want to go sight seeing"

"Sure why not" he said giving me a small smile.

  We headed out the door he was sorta cute so mabe it would work.WAIT, WHAT AM I DOING. I can't get a crush on him I just met him. He sakd he wanted to go and explore the city some. I was going to ask if I could borrow mom's car but he said no lets walk. We walke ed to the forest.

"So where are you from" I asked

" canada" he said short and simple.

" oh Canada is awsome." I said

"Have you even been to canada before" he asked smartly.

"Ummm... no" I said ashamed.

  He started to climb a tree and he..he climbed very quick. It was almost like he walked on air.

"What are you doing" I asked.

No answer, just a hand appearing from the leaves of the tree. It was opened and outstretched for me to grab. I didn't grab it because he might not have wanted me to. Then he wiggled his hand in a grab my hand motion. I moved toward the hand and grabed it slowly. As soon as I grabbed it I was yanked through the leaves only to meet his face so close to mine. I could feel his breath on my face. Then he came my ear and whispered come look.

The Boy Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now