The Perfect Date Credits Part 2

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This story goes out to all the peeps who have been freindzoned and broken hearted. 

Shout out to those in relationships, cause congrats, the person you're dating must be the luckiest person in the world to have you in their life.

And to my friend, who I have a crush on for almost half a year, hope you never find this. EVER.

What is our special bond? - We're actually just friends, and I'm okay with it. It's rough being friend zoned buts that's life.

How would I express my feelings? - I would kiss his cheek and ask him out on a date. I'm that simple.

What drives me crazy about him? - his smile and body, he in the swimming team and let me say it helped boost my crush for him. But honestly he's a sweet guy with a funny personality, he treats me like a true friend and I feel normal around him.

Want to join in on the contest? Go to @Romance and leave a tag on your story, #PerfectDate so they can find your story.

Don't forget it ends on March 18, 2019 at 11:59 PM EST

Good luck!!!

Home With You: Perfect Date Challenge   #PerfectDateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora