4: We're okay, you're okay.

Começar do início

She walked towards him as they both smiled and greeted each other. He then scooted to the corner more as if to gesture for her to stand next to him and she did. She left him no space despite the fact there was no one else in the elevator and insisted also on being right next to him, shoulders gently touching.

He licked his lips as he stared at the ceiling, then looked at her, "I have a confession "

'yes, oppa?'

"I don't know where we're going." he said firmly

She pouted at him "Yaa~ oppa! hajima, stop playing around, you said you already know...."

He laughed at her now high pitched voice that he found adorable.

"Just kidding. Just wanted to hear your cute voice get all whiny"

"Anniyaa~~" She murmured.

A smile crept up on his face. Every little she does, makes his heart flutter.

The elevator door opened and they made their way to the bus stop.

---Bus stop, day 2, tokyo

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Bus stop, day 2, tokyo

The bus arrived early but it was crowded to the point where people had to stand up.

Kyungsoo, without hesitation, grabs Jihyun's hand to position themselves into a space that fit the both of them before the bus started to move. He let her be in front of him as his hand lied on top of her shoulder gently but also firmly enough to protect her and steady her from bumping, slipping and hurting herself while his other hand held onto the bar next to him so he could steady himself as well.

This was the closest they'd been and even during the filming of 100days where jihyun and kyungsoo had to be trapped inside a rug couldnt compare.

This was real life and this was him protecting her, truly.

The bus started moving and he held on to her tighter as she started stumbling.
"You okay?"

She looked back at the gentleman protecting her but she immediately got shy. She lowered his eyes and was now staring at his plump lips realizing it was only a few inches from her. "Mhm..."

The bus stopped a red light but something began shaking the bus rapidly.

Kyungsoo and Jihyun gave each other a puzzled look as the violent swaying won't stop.

Just when Jihyun was about to fall onto a passenger's lap, Kyungsoo held his arms out wide and held her waist closer to him as she leaned back to Kyungsoo's chest.

The whole carriage continued shaking and by this time, the faces of the passengers became more concerning. Others began unhooking their belts and got to the bottom of the floor while the seats covered their heads and then someone from the other side yelled out, "Sore wa jishindesu!!!!"

Both Kyungsoo and Jihyun didn't understand what the man yelled out but they immediately realized what was going on when they witnessed everyone panicking and covering their heads on the floor.

This was an earthquake.

Jihyun and Kyungsoo began breathing heavily and Kyungsoo got worried for her.

They didn't know where to cover their heads and all they could do was stay where they were at because there's no way they could even move

"Jihyun-ah, jihyun-ah" Kyungsoo called for Jihyun as she closed her eyes in fear.

She faced him and he noticed how scared she was because she was holding on tighter and tighter as her eyes were shut.

"Just breathe, it'll stop, I promise." He told the woman who was now embracing him tightly. He kept one arm around her while the other stayed firmly on a bar to steady the both of them.

When the shaking finally did stop, she opened her eyes and scanned through the scene as she was relieved that mother nature did not do any damage but the other thing she felt was HIS hand now gently caressing her cheeks to comfort her.

"Gwaenchanha....you're okay, we're okay." He looks at her sincerely now brushing away any remaining strands covering her face.

Suddenly, a concerned Kyungsoo started laughing "So much for the start of our first date huh?" he jokes.

Jihyun laughed and hit him playfully on the shoulder mouthing for him to 'stop it'.

She knew he was just trying to make her feel better by making her laugh. Instead, after laughter, her heart began to race when him saying 'so much for the start of our first date huh?' played on her head over and over again.

She couldn't believe she was about to go on a date with a co-star. It was true that she'd blush whenever he compliments her. But she's always thought that he is nothing but another oppa crush~. However, the whole situation has turned because yes, they started out as really good friends during the filming of their drama, but after months, they met again unexpectedly, and now their relationship has rekindled into something new but...the same. They found each other attractive, yes, but to have actual feelings for each other to the point where they actually want to go out on a date is something new for the both of them. Considering they both haven't been in a relationship in such quite a long time.

When everyone in the bus tidied themselves back to their seats, the bus started moving again as if nothing happened.

Kyungsoo quickly moved his hand away from her reddened cheeks and held on to the bar and again, the other hand back to her shoulder. She looked back at him and she gave him a half smile as if reassuring him that she's okay.

...that she's okay as long as he's there. He made her feel safe and that was that.


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note::: Feeling much better now lol so here's an update and thank you all for being so nice to me and again, keep voting and commenting for this story about things yall liked or not liked hahahahahah. THANK U THANK U ❤️❤️❤️❤️

What If.. (Kyungsoo x Nam Jihyun fic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora