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I was debating wether to open the message or not, if I did, he'd see that I had read his message, and if I didnt, he'd know I was ignoring him. 

'know what?' I typed, playing the dumb card.

'Dude I know why you dont sit with me at lunch.'

My heart raced, 'You do?' I sent.

'You have a crush on April (:'

I bit my tounge as my fingers raced across the screen, 'Who told you!' 

'Nobody, I'm your best friend, I know things okay? I'll try and see if I can get you two to go to the Sadie Hawkin's next month.' Luke sent with dancing emoji's. Sadie Hawkins was a fancy term of saying girls ask guys. 

'Okay, thanks.' Is all i said back. I bit my lip, knowing that there was a huge chance April knew I was gay. She's pretty dumb, so i'd assume she'd just think I turned straight. Or that I had some twin brother with the same name who liked her. I wasnt planning on going anyways, so it might be fun. There's a good chance she doesnt like me too, arent pretty people supposed to date, well, pretty people?


At dinner, which was take out, Mali said she had an annoucement. "Since I'm 23, with no 'real' job, not that working at the Nursing Home is great fun." She said sarcasticly. "I want to expand my horizions."

"How so?" Mom spoke clearing the table, "Medical school seems like a great idea, or law...or-"

"Not school mom." Mali Koa said, placing a hand on her right shoulder, "I was thinking X-Factor." She held her breath as mother stopped what she was doing and turned toward the both of us.

"If its what you want to do then i mean..." Joy Hood looked around the room anchously. She took a deep breath and said, "If you dont make it, I want you to know that-" Mali embraced our mom in a tight hug. 

"Thank you." She beamed. Mali raced up the stairs to call her friends most likely, she was going to be on X-Factor. 

Mom sat back down, "You dont seem too sure." I commented.

"I'm not." she admitted.


“So Calum, you wanna sit with me today?” Luke asked the next day.

“I dunno, aren’t seats like perminate?”

“Yeah, but I can fix that. You’ll see.” Luke said right before the bell rang and he sat down in his seat in time for announcements. Luke and I were in the same homeroom, based off of last name. Hood and Hemmings were close, so we were seated a few seats across from eachother in room 313.

It was boring, I had 2nd period with Luke, German, but that class never seemed to be long enough. I also had Honors English with him, but we hardly got to talk due to the strict no talking rule though the teacher is nice. You have to have some rules at least. Luke had Honors math, which I didn’t, stupid angles, stupid numbers, stupid everything.

We had gym too, only two days a week, Wednesday and Friday.  And lunch, obviously. So all together 3 classes, not counting lunch. It’s not much compared to the classes I don’t have with him, like Science, Math, History, Music, and Health.

There are bullies too, like Michael and Ashton. But I manage to dodge them as best I can, but there’s no escaping free period. Or my classes off campus. So far, I’ve managed to slip pass them despite the few shoves into lockers and the shouts of ‘fag’. Which isn’t that bad compared to other days.


So then came lunch.

I walked into the cafeteria and Luke waved me over with an extra chair beside him, the others didn’t look too bothered by it.

“How?” Is all I said. I placed my lunch box on the table and unzipped it slowly.

“I told them how desperately lonely you were.” He said before taking a cheeto out of his bag and chomping on it, “They think you’re depressed.” He whispered, motioning to the lunch aids watching me closely.  

“Luke!” I shout whispered, he shrugged and looked at April and nodded.

“Its all for her. Because I’m a great friend.” He smiled.

“Yeah.” I nod in agreement.

April had nice grey eyes, and black wavy hair. She had pinkish lips and her cheeks were almost always naturally red. She was 17, not yet 18 and also swims on the girl team.

“So April.” Luke said nudging her from under the table. “You know Calum right?” He asked hopefully and I internally groaned. She nodded slowly. “You both swim, isn’t that so cool?”

Luke is trying way to hard (No pun intended)

“I guess.” She shrugged. “Oh my god, did you know that the Hunger games book part series thing is actually a book?” She gasped, her eyes went a little brighter, changing the subject. “Isn’t that like copy write?  We should totally sue.” She nodded, Jake nodded in agreement.

Totally.” He said rolling his eyes, and I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was. How the fuck is someone that much of an idiot?

April flipped her hair. “Sometimes I think I’m a genius, like Bill Nye or something. He’s a legend, my idol. I think we are related.” She went on. Luke turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

“How do you like her?” He asked, “Seriously?” He laughed, turning to April again and listening to her false accusations.

“I honestly have no clue.”


Chapter two, done! Yay im so happy sorry if there are mistakes or anything. This is Hannah btw, and you can find my wattpad at CalumsAlmonds and my twitter at Calyumbands :D I hope you enjoyed it. -Hannah


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