Chapter 2- and you are?

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                                               Fast forward to 5:30 PM, our boss let us out early.

Amelia and I walk out of the store hand in hand, excited for the night ahead.

"Amelia, you really have me curious about the guy you mentioned; Roger, right? I asked while giggling a bit

"Yeah, Roger. He is really handsome, I've fancied him for a while." Amelia says, looking at the ground like I am since we are walking.

" What makes him so special, huh?" I ask shoving her over a bit, looking at her waiting for her response.

"Well, I mean I have already said he's handsome but other than that I just fancy him. Never have talked to him, really." Amelia says.

I look over and say to Amelia with my mouth agape. " I hope you're joking, you fancy him but havent spoke to him yet?" I stand there while she keeps walking, waiting for her to notice I stopped.

Amelia notices that i'm no longer next to her and comes walking towards me saying " You know you've done that before, primary school remember? You have fancied someone who you've never talked to dummy."

"Yeah but that was primary school, not adulthood smart ass." I say looking at her with my hands on my hips and I stick my tounge out at her.

" Oh shut up, I will fancy him because I can , I don't care if you think its weird I haven't talked to him yet. Amelia says, we start walking again and end up at my apartment 10 minutes later.

We walk in the door and put our bags and jackets down on my couch.

" So, what are we having for dinner Ms.Lucy?" Amelia says plopping down on my couch.

I look over at her with a confused face and start to laugh. "Did I say I was your maid? Go ahead and make yourself something, you are not a guest anymore silly" I say as I head upstairs to start to get ready for the night ahead.

I look into my closet and try to decide what to wear. I end up picking out some cute jeans, white white sports sneakers and a rainbow striped sweater. I walk over to the mirror and look at my outfit.

" Amelia! Can you come upstairs and look at my outfit, I'm not sure if it looks okay or not." I say as I keep looking at myself in the mirror.

I have always been self conscious, my last boyfriend Eric was verbally abusive towards me. I was with him for 5 years. We broke up last year, I am very afraid of being with someone new though. In an argument, my ex boyfriend told me I was not good enough and that he would cheat on me with anyone just because he could. Me being the person I was, I was obviously upset about it and wanted to break up with him. He immediately drew me back in though, took me by the waist and kissed me telling me " I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said, I love you I promise." I wiped my eyes and thought everything was going to be okay. Little did I know, I would find out he had been cheating the entire relationship. Multiple women. He brought women into our flat and had sex with them in our bed. That was it after that. Kicked him out and told him to never come near me again. After that, I moved to London and never heard or saw him since.

" Lucy? LUCY!" Amelia said, shaking me and taking me out of La La land, I must have spaced out thinking about my last relationship.

" Yeah, sorry spaced out a bit. Anyways, does this look good? I say twirling around for Amelia, she starts to whistle.

" Damn, I wish I had picked something out like that to wear tonight t. You look so cute Luc!" Amelia says.

Amelia starts getting ready and I do my makeup. I just do a simple nude lipstick , some blush and some mascara. Amelia is wearing a cute burnt orange skirt. a black tight turtleneck shirt with sheer nude tights and a chunky heel.

"Okay, are we ready to head out or what? You have been looking at yourself for an hour in the mirror." Amelia says, laughing at me. I get up, go over to Amelia and hug her. We grab our stuff, lock the door and head out to the pub in a taxi.

The pub is a cute little place about 10 minutes from my flat. It is a place where a lot of uni kids go after they are done classes just to take a load off. I have never been here before but it seems like a cute place to come hangout after you're done work with a few friends. I heard that there is a lot of bands that play here all the time, Amelia comes here with her friends from uni, so she is not new to it.

We get to the pub a little early and got some drinks, I got a soda with whiskey in it and Amelia got a beer.

" Come on Lucy, let's find a seat here at the bar. We will be able to see just fine." Amelia says.

We find seats and start downing our drinks. It has a been a long week already for us, we deserve to get a little tipsy. I look at the clock on the wall behind the bar and it says 7:30.

" Oh, it's already 7:30? I hope we didn't get here too late." I say to Amelia.

I hear someone say in my ear, like they were next to me.

" Oh, you didn't love, we didn't go on yet." The mystery voice said.

I turn around and look at him, " And you are?" I ask.

Oh my , who do you think the mystery voice is? Thank you guys so much for the votes and reads, once again shouts out to my wattpad whores. Y'all poppin. I hope you guys enjoyed reading about Lucy and getting to know her a bit. I wrote this at work, oops. Chapter 3 tomorrow maybe? 

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