I don't trust morcant.

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in this chapter Michael makes a mountain out of a mole hill, or rather a painful experience from a panel
I don't trust morcant (this has lore from bleeding heart in it.)
Also warning for alluded to noncon/violence

(i took the panel where morcant was like "you should have known better than to come back to these woods" and built sad backstory content from that) ((this is written the way it is because Morcant MEGA CREEPS ME OUT))

The night air was cold against Henry's skin, he pulled his coat tighter around himself,

"you know it's dangerous out there." Lanyon said as he watched Jekyll pack a small satchel, "you could get hurt."

"I know Robert, but I can handle myself." he responded brightly, "I have everything I need."

"you have no weapon."

"I don't want to scare anyone off in there.  Robert last year Morcant said there were many creatures in those woods-"

"precisely!" Lanyon cut him off, "you don't know what could be in there!"

"which is why I have to find out.  If you're so concerned about my safety you are welcome to join me, I'd actually prefer-." jekyll smiled invitingly at Lanyon but it fell as Roberts arms stayed crossed and he cut him off again,

"Henry, I can't participate in this."

Henry shook his head and trekked on.  He wished he didn't have to leave Lanyon, not cause he was afraid, he just wished that when he found something he could share the joy with Robert.

As the night went on and Henry set up his small camp he didn't know if the howling was the icy wind or a creature of the forest.  He lit his lamp and began to sketch some plants around the clearing he found. As he got deep into his focus of documenting plants he heard the cracks of branches behind him.  He turned around to see a large wolf. Fear overtook him, but not without his ever-present curiosity. That is until he recognized the telltale scar of Morcant across the wolf's snout.

"Morcant?" Henry asked, extending a hand.  The wolf nodded and rose to her hind legs, her height overwhelming him but she began to shrink to a smaller height.  Her bones creaked and crunched as her fur retracted into her skin, a mixture of a howl and scream leaving her lips.  She fell to her hands and knees, now in her humanoid form, then sprang up,

"why Henry Jekyll, how interesting it is to see you." she got up and began to circle him, "what brings you here?"

"curiosity" he answered with hesitation,

Morcant hummed.  Henry sighed and went through his bag then handed her a blanket to cover herself,

She looked at it in her hands with a puzzled and mildly offended expression,

"does this form upset you?  Most mortals prefer my-"

"no- I just...  you're naked." Henry realized what he said was obvious, he frowned when she dropped the blanket from her hands,

"that makes you uncomfortable?" Morcant asked, taking a step closer,

"yes." Jekyll answered slowly, backing away,

Morcant continued to walk towards him, she snapped and his lantern went out.  When the darkness enveloped him he felt immeasurable dread once again, greater than what he felt before.  The cold darkness combined with the hot breath against his face caused his bones to shake and his mind to race,

"you know you should never tell a fae your true name," Morcant whispered, "didn't your mother tell you it was dangerous, Henry Jekyll?"

Henry's eyes felt heavy as his legs gave out from under him, his cheek hit the cold dewy grass.

Robert paced by the front window of the cabin, worrying with the hem of the sleeve of his nightshirt.  

"I should check on him," he said to himself, opening the door.  Then the cold air rushed in and hit him,

"maybe it's for the best I don't however.  What would my father say if he found out about this little excursion?"

Lanyon heard howling come from the woods and jumped suddenly.  He shook his head,

"oh father be damned this has gone on long enough." Lanyon quickly threw on his coat and shoes, grabbed a lantern and gun, and ran into the woods,  following the path he believed Henry had taken. When he couldn't find the path or footprints anymore he followed the sound of Howls. He came upon a clearing where he saw Henry lay, alone.  His coat and shirt torn to shreds.

"Henry?" Robert rushed to his friend's side, "who did this?" he asked the air, shining his lantern towards the edges of the clearing.

No response came, however, his shouting woke Jekyll up.

First Henry had flinched at Lanyon's contact, then he attempted to cover his exposed skin.  Robert saw a blanket on the ground and draped it over Henry's shoulders.

"Robert?" Henry asked,  "no it can't be."

"no, Henry, it's me."

"then you've come too late." Henry's voice was hollow and distant, his gaze staring into the underbrush.

"Henry we must get home." Robert motioned to help him up but he pushed him away, getting up on his own.

"leave me be, Lanyon.  You didn't want to be here in the first place."

"what has gotten into you, what happened?"

Henry stopped, was silent for a moment, then answered, "it's all my fault and too shameful to speak of, just drop it."

The command sounded different.  As if it were Henry speaking but not him at the same time.  The manner and tone were off. Robert stood for a moment, staring at his friend walking into the dark before he sighed and followed Henry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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