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Everyone has a story. Their story is what defines them, and stays with them forever. Everything is written in pen. Nothing can be erased, nothing can be undone.

I stared at my hands, my too long nails with chipped red nail polish. My hands were small, almost too small to be considered porpotional, but were sturdy enough. They were rough, however, and were littered with callouses. 

I let out a deep breath, looking over my shoulder at the looming mansion. The white, five story mansion with too many windows and rooms to count. It's been my home for almost my whole life, but I won't miss it.

I won't miss being lost all the god damn time, never knowing where I am or how I got there.

Ever since I was 4, me and my brother have lived here. We don't know the details. They say we were found on the front porch, but honestly, I don't believe it. My brother, however, is a naive fool and absorbed everything they told us like a sponge.

Our names are Elliot and Eli Gray. We were found on December 26, 2001. We were found with a note claiming that our parents simply couldn't look after us anymore. 

Nobody wants us.The world is our enemy. All our lives, it's been me and Eli against the world. All that mattered was him, and now I'm abandoning him just like our parents abandoned us.

But I have to protect him. And the only way to protect his sanity is by losing mine. 

If I can just find out the truth, I can find a way get him out of there before they take away his humanity. 

That's why, as I sped down the dirt road on my sleek black motorcycle, that I did not look back.

Not once.

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