Everything would think that an Asgardian who is a child of Odin, a sister of two powerful men, would have powers that could only benefit them in war. Peter saw Nylah's powers as an extraordinary gift, something that was so beautiful. Her gift related so much to her personality. Of course, Nylah was bound to be born with a heart of gold. Her kindness, her need for caring about people around her. With the way she acted the night that Peter found out about her mission, he could see the look in her eyes and how the entire time she was upset with herself. It made him wonder if she knew how powerful she was. Because to Peter, she was not only a beautiful person inside and out, but she was inspiring. Not only that, but kind of adorable, considering that one time that she tried to cure him of a non-functioning brain when it was only used as a metaphor.

As Nylah's eyes made contact with his own, he felt his heart skipping a beat. He heard talks around school and the streets when Thor first made his appearance on Earth. Asgardians were born beautiful, with their faces perfectly sculpted as well as their bodies – no matter the type. Asgardians were confident and beautiful, and with the only two Asgardians that he knew, Peter assumed that they were all as caring and kind as the two siblings, Thor and Nylah.

"Peter?" The sound of Liz Allen's voice echoing in his eyes brought him back into reality, his head turning to face Liz as he felt his cheeks burning. "Were you even listening to the questions?"

"Uh, no, sorry." Peter apologised before clearing his throat awkwardly after receiving a look of disapproval from Liz.

"Let's focus, okay?"

On the other side of the bus, Nylah watched Peter intensely as he spoke to Liz. The blush on his cheeks did not go unnoticed, and her staring did not go unnoticed by the teenage boy beside her, either. Nylah heard rumours from Asgardians back home that humans were incapable of perfection and were ugly creatures, inside and out; after all, they were not only over-populating their planet, but they were also destroying it. Nylah believed them as a child, but the day that Jane came into her home, Nylah's beliefs were fading away. She did not understand how a beautiful human like Jane, inside and out, could be capable of destruction.

Now that she has met Peter – any thought of hatred for humans had vanished. Living on Midgard, only for a couple weeks, Nylah came to the conclusion that no one is perfect, no matter what planet any creatures are living on. Perfection is not something everyone should aspire to be. But, Peter... despite thinking that perfection is unachievable, that boy, Peter Parker, he was perfect inside and out. He knew when to forgive people and when not to, instead of giving in so easily like Nylah. He was kind and passionate, always feeling the need to put everyone above himself. He always strives to put kindness into the world and protect those who cannot protect themselves against the evil in the world.

Peter Parker was a blessing to the Earth.

Within another few minutes, they finally arrived to a hotel that had been taking in all decathlon nationally. The bus parked and it was soon time for everyone to gather their things and exit the bus before making their way inside.

As Nylah walked into the cool-aired hotel, with kids walking and giggling to one another everywhere, she could not help but still be amazed by Midgardians designing skills. Asgardian buildings were stunning with their structural designs and golden beauty and Midgardians were completely different when it had come to architecture. Nonetheless, Nylah found it beautiful. All she had to do was look up at the ceiling if she wanted to look up at the sky, that was about 15 stories up high.

"You have your laptop, right?" Peter asked Ned while Nylah distracted herself with the beauty of the building. Nylah's head slowly turned to face Peter when she finished admiring the building as Ned nodded his head at his friend, his eyebrows quickly furrowing together in confusion.

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