Luke Fallen Star

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Age:15Eye color: dark blue (almost black)Creature: Fallen angel/human/demonSexuality: gayMother: she died in a car crash on his 14th birthday

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Eye color: dark blue (almost black)
Creature: Fallen angel/human/demon
Sexuality: gay
Mother: she died in a car crash on his 14th birthday. She was a human demon hybrid.
Father(Lucifer): was one of gods children then was kick out of heaven to guard the gate of hell. Was a no show and he did not know about him tell after mothers death.
Hates: people who talk to much, angles, the color white, and school
Likes: the color black/red/dark blue, demons and fallen angels, outcast, quite people
More information: he is a quite kid who keeps to himself and knows precisely everything. He gets bullied. He is a yandere type 2.
A type 2 yandere will allow there senpai(loved one) to go date who ever they want and won't say a thing they will do anything for there senpai to be happy even if that means them leaving them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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