This Girl

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This girl...

Oh my this girl...

How I love her so

How I never wish to let her go

Oh my this girl...

This girl...

Auburn hair that curls ever so gently around itself making perfect waves of ever changing reds like the sun setting on a deserted beach as those subtle waves crash on the shore.

Freckles upon the cheeks of her delicate face which I can never seem to stare at long enough, oh how I wish to kiss her beautiful cheeks for every freckly that they possess

Eyes the color of a soft maroon with such gradual hints of brown and red, oh how I get lost in these eyes, I cannot allow myself to stare into these gateways to her soul for to long for fear I may be overwhelmed by these eyes. Eyes that stare at me with such kindness and passion, with a deep love and hope but the closer I look the more I understand that these eyes that sparkle in the sun and take my breath away have seen a lot of pain.

Lips, so full and beautiful, complementing the rest of her perfect features. The sensation I feel inside when these lips honer me by simply uttering my name. How three simple words formed on these lips and directed at me can simple make my day. Oh how these beautiful lips can make my knees weak and my heart race just by being against my own

The beauty of which my love is endowed far surpasses that of any other for not only are her features that make up her appearance perfect in every way, her beauty is far deeper then that. Her intelligence is of that unlike any other, she not only comprehends but also deeply understand, she is not an outsider looking in but someone who has experienced the ups and downs of life herself. Her heart and soul, dark and heavy with the weight of her past are still light, pure, and filled with love. She is perfect both inside and out. 

She is perfect for me <3

This girl...

Oh my this girl...

How I love her so

How I never wish to let her go

Oh my this girl...

This girl...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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