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another day another adventure

i tell myself as i looked out the window of the car. I grab my journal to write in since I know it will be a while till we get to the apartments.
Dear future self
it's the nearing the end of summer and it feels like this move won't end. My dad got a nursing job at this hospital in another state. He was planning to reject the offer but once he heard how much it paid he decided to take it. i'm not that thrilled about it. not much because i had friends i was leaving but because i've never moved before. well i have but i was a baby so i cant really remember it. the plane was the worst and now i know i have a fear of hights . how fun. anyways i'm sitting in the car on my phone. i have my headphones in since my mom really doesn't like my music. she is more of a soft pop and i'm like a screaming type . i know i'm so quirky. not a lot of people like me since i'm not the 'run of the mill' type of basic girls out there. instead of having long wavey blond hair and beautiful crystal blue eyes, i'm pretty bland with my shoulder length brown hair and my brown eyes. but i'm not 'special' either. i don't stand out but i also am not invisible either. i have a pretty decent life. good family and pretty okay life. I just hope it stays that way when we move into this new town. anyways I can see the movers so im signing off. till next time -(Y/I)

I put my journal away and get out of the car to get a good look at the new apartment we are moving into. it looks run down but not to the point of collapsing.

"Hey sweetheart can you help the movers with your stuff please. it will make the move in faster" my mom asks me. she is slightly taller than me and had long brown hair like mine but she has hers in a low ponytail. and her eyes are more of a Hazel color. I get my dark eyes from my dad.

"alright mom " I said with a sigh. I realized why people who are in the military dont Like moving so much. it's stressful and boring. i walk over to the movers and grab my boxes that had my little stuff like chairs, books and other stuff. I asked my mom to Toss me the keys so I could just go and put stuff in my room. I walk in with the keys and boxes in my hand. I'm slightly struggling but I have too much social anxiety to even ask for help. I just go to the floor and room number we were staying at. as I'm walking out of the elevator I hear laughing and then something bumped into me and my boxes fell on the ground. I fall back and end up bruising my leg and causing a few bleeding scratches from the rope burn on my elbow.

"Hey watch where your-"

I look up and see this tall boy, he looks around my age and has long messy brownish black hair. he had visible bags under his eyes and a slightly long nose. he also has a mole right on his cheek. next to him is a boy? I look over at his what I presume to be is friend. he is short about my hight, he has bright blue hair. maybe it's natural? he had black sweater and ripped red jeans on. but what stood out the most is his prosthetic. I knew it was one since my little sister suffered from a burn damage to her face at a school camp feild trip.

"larry say something to her " the small boy punched the tall one in the side. which now I believe is Larry. he stretches out a hand towards me. I grab it and he helps me up

"Hey I'm really sorry, I should have been paying attention " he shuffles awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck. "uhm what's your name? "

"My name is (y/n), I'm moving in on the last room to the left on this floor" I realized that the things are still on the floor and I picked them up. "uh I guess I'll see you later" I started to walk off to my new apartment but just before I could leave completely I hear a whisper.

"dude she is so pretty"

"i know dude. she needs to be in out friend group before Travis corrupts her"

"hell yea"

I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting junior year.

Hey sorry if this is a short chapter. i wanted to get the pilot and plot sorta there before anything happened. i don't want this to move too quickly because then it won't be enjoyable so it will be at a good pace. Well hope you liked this chapter. till next time ~Riles

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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